
I think in the West, and particularly in the United States, it's not so much a matter of laziness, as it's not so incorporated into the work day. My hunch is, if people have any kind of lunch break, that there are plenty of people taking naps during that period of time. The office or shop just doesn't shut down during that time, so commerce goes on.

I myself am not much for taking naps. They don't really help me—at least not the 10-20 minute variety. I end up feeling more groggy and out of sorts than I did when I took the nap. I know I'm not typical of most people in this regard, however.

I find if I go to bed at a reasonable time and wake up somewhat early, say between 5 and 6:30 AM, that I can function quite well throughout the day if I take some breaks, maybe do something physical for a while, and then go back to the computer. it's when i don't get up so much that I tend to run down.

Of course, watching what someone eats, too, is something that will help with alertness. Not all foods that we eat for lunch will give us the boost of energy we need. In fact, they do quite the opposite. So figuring out what those foods are that help is part of it.

That's not to say that naps are bad. I'm sure they work for plenty of people, and really, there shouldn't be anything wrong with it. I just don't anticipate everyone in the office taking a nap at the same time, or it becoming a national thing to do in the U.S.

I don't know if it matters much anymore—in the United States at least, there's a lot of blending of the two major parties going on in the center, so only the fringes on either side look all that different. However, those are the folks that most often get the press, and so it looks like there's quite a bit of difference, when really, it's not so much a difference in direction as it is a matter of velocity.

Socially, the two are quite close on a lot of issues, but again, it's what's called the far left or the far right that ends up on television. Meanwhile, things go on as they have and more happens as the people in general get complacent. It's why we still have tons of legislation that one party or the other swore to get rid of.

I think in too many cases, it comes down to winning. With this last election, the Republicans ended up coming together just enough with a few disillusioned folks from the Democrats and some so-called Independents to put Trump in the White House. This because people were more fully against the Democrat frontrunner, Hillary Clinton, than they were really completely for Trump (though he certainly has a solid base). It was beat Clinton at all costs.

So, when that's more or less the mentality, it doesn't really matter. As it is, while many of us think Republicans are mostly conservative and Democrats are mostly left leaning, that's not very true of Republicans. They can tax and spend just as easily as anyone, and they can try to impose their ideals just like Democrats can.

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