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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago

Yes, you can try natural home remedies that are proven to help hair growth and some you can experiment.

1. Onion juice

Onions are beautiful vegetables that can make the taste of the dish far better! But you have more reasons than this to stock up onions in your kitchen - they increase hair regrowth on bald patches in alopecia areata patients! Onions contain high amounts of sulfur and can fight free radical damage. They can improve blood circulation on the scalp and prevent any type of infection that causes hair loss.

2. Garlic Juice

Garlic contains high sulfur levels which increase hair growth and reduce hair loss.

Garlic, like onions, feed your hair while eating. This sulfur-rich vegetable is one of the best natural treatments for alopecia. It increases hair growth and prevents hair loss by increasing collagen production.

3. Lavender oil

Lavender essential oil strengthens hair follicles and causes hair growth in alopecia areata.

This soothing essential oil is often used to help people relieve stress, reduce anxiety and depression, and improve well-being. But this is not ... oil is a brilliant home remedy for hair loss in alopecia areata. Research has shown that a mixture of essential oils containing lavender strengthens hair follicles and increases hair growth.

4. Almond oil

Almond oil reduces hair loss in alopecia by reducing dandruff and hair tips that cause hair loss.

Although there isn't much research to support how almond oil can contribute to hair care, this oil is often in products that increase hair growth. 10 Using almond oil will often reduce dandruff and branching and consequently can stop hair loss in alopecia areata.

5. Honey

Raw and organic honey is an ingredient that is too often used in Ayurvedic home remedies for hair loss and for good reasons. Honey reduces infection and related hair loss. If used consistently for a long time, honey can keep hair loss due to alopecia in the bay during your life. It can also be used with several other home remedies mentioned here as complementary natural remedies for alopecia.

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