
In the first place, before I go into a relationship it's paramount to look at the person you want to spend your life and time with, and asj yourselves questions like "is she the right person?" "does my moral standard tally with her?" is she someone that will add value to me"?

I believe when all your answer to this questions are yes, then it's very imperative to know that that person is definitely the right person so to speak.

My point is one must never stay in a relationship that compromises their moral standard and their ethics because.

First it's harmful to the personality of a person

The relationship can become very toxic as result of breaking moral principles.

No, the person should not. I believe that the goal of every relationship, amongst many things, is to make your partner a better person. I mean this morally, financially, emotionally, etc. In as many fields as you can, help your partner grow. So if found in a relationship where your significant other is making you do the wrong things and killing your morals, then abandon ship. A relationship with someone like that is nothing but toxic and no one should put up with it

As humans we have a sense of what is right and wrong. We have the ability to know what is good for us and what isn't. Most times when we don't honour our but feelings it ends up with guilty feelings. Yes it is true that for a relationship to survive, there must be a form of compromise from both parties with a willingness to make the Relation ship work but not when it comes to morals. Morals should never be compromised.

Turning bad or turning a blind life or staying with a partner who makes you do things which are against everything you believe and which is morally wrong or frowned upon by the society just so the relationship can flourish is a waste of time because little exceptions always lead to bigger ones and it becomes a vicious cycle.

Good cannot come out from bad and you can't change a bad person by becoming bad. Please it's a toxic RELATIONSHIP. Relationships are meant to help you grow and become better not the other way round. You will be happier being single than in such

It's better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you'll drift in that direction.


And it should not require any further explanation or thought

Relationships are meant to be I don't us up and bring out the best in you. If your Relationship is making you feel awkward and lose your previous virtues, such relationship is unhealthy for you. Compromise is necessary in a relationship but not the kind of compromise that would make you lose your self worth or value. Such is very bad and shouldn't be welcomed

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