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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago

I live in a place which trusts that being unadulterated, kind, rich, insightful, solid, solid, glad and adored can be accomplished by imploring the diverse Divine beings and Goddesses who are represented considerable authority in those characteristics.

Also, better believe it, they call me an agnostic.

Be that as it may, I DO Have faith IN GOD! (Shock!)

God, the maker, the inescapable, the transcendent, the omnipotent, the preeminent power, Divine force of whichever religion, be it Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, or Jainism, I trust Him just to be the maker.

The idea of God made by people delivers a great many convictions and superstitions. What's more, as I stated, I do have faith in God, however there are numerous essential things in that idea that I don't accept.

What's more, that is the reason I call myself a skeptic for the human's idea of god's identity, and what he can do to you.

Here are a couple of things that I don't have confidence in :


Since a child we have been educated to petition God routinely. Regardless of whether to express gratitude toward Him or request that he influence our desires to work out, we have dependably collapsed our hands and bowed our heads for Him. The remembered verses of the Book of scriptures, Bhagwat Gita, Quran exhibit at the tip of our tongue, trusting that it would satisfy Him. In any case, much to our dismay that appealing to God isn't an exam in which remembered hypotheses will acquire us great focuses.

We have dependably trusted that God is viewing over us. They know precisely what you are considering and how you are feeling and what you will get along straightaway. That is the thing that makes Him not quite the same as would be expected people. At that point, who are we attempting to please? The God who knows you under every one of those layers of skin that you wear or the Person who knows precisely what you need. Beliefs are millions however what we really have confidence in are few.

What I don't comprehend the most is that in the event that we have to approach God for things or even say 'Thank You' for being appreciative to every one of those things He gave, how does that make Him any not quite the same as people? We have to request to get something, say 'thank you' and 'too bad'. That is the point at which we comprehend individuals, correct?

I don't trust that God banters in words. I don't trust that God even sees any dialect. The main thing that He comprehends is Emotions. A thing that we people discover so muddled to get it. He sees directly through us, through the entirety of our enduring supplicating and arguing and directly into our spirit. He realizes that you are appreciative to him from each veritable grin of yours. He knows each torment each blame with each tear you shed. He comprehends what you really need regardless of whether your words say a sentence with no association with what he comprehended.

He knows.

Also, he requires no words and no sounds and no supplication to know You.

THE Preeminent POWER Hypothesis

God is the most great of all. There is no denying that. He has made nature and people and creatures and even the entire universe. Furthermore, that is the reason he's called the Maker. He is the maker with colossal power, good. Yet, does he possess us? Does he have the ability to influence us to carry on simply the way He needs?

God made. Our brains, our spirits, our spirits, everything. Also, once we are on earth, we are without anyone else. With the information of what is correct and what isn't right. He holds no control over us. We have the control over us. We can change in a small amount of a second in the event that we need to. We can be whatever and whoever we need to be. Be it great or terrible.

Supernatural occurrences can never be brought control over us.

To some degree, event of Death is additionally considered as an incomparable power. In any case, in nowadays where life can be taken at our own particular will, Demise is only a negative vitality.

God just made.

To regard his manifestations is upto us.

Paradise AND Hellfire

As a child, I have dependably entered a great deal of closets planning to find Narnia. I sat tight for my eleventh year to get a letter to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Yet, as we as a whole know, every one of my endeavors went into vain.

Only a couple of days sooner, an idea struck my psyche. Consider the possibility that outsiders from an alternate world caught wind of Earth and are attempting their best to visit the planet. What do they find in earth? Do they view earth as a superior place like we view Narnia and Hogwarts as. With water and trees and soil and warmth and gravity, is this what they call Paradise?

We have constantly needed a superior place. A more tranquil place, with blessed messengers and sweet nectars, or whatever we envision paradise to resemble. However, what we call paradise, may be hellfire for a few.

Life has dependably been uncalled for. However, demise is reasonable for all. Indeed, even to the most hated offenders. The way of death may differ. Be that as it may, what occurs after death stays consistent.

Disciplines or Rewards are given minutes previously a man's demise where they would either apologize or thank. Be that as it may, what really occurs in those minutes nobody knows.

God lives not in paradise but rather on the planet we make.

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