
the essence of brotherhood is the basic need of every human being. With the brotherhood of social interaction in the community safe, smooth, and comfortable. At work, brotherhood fosters synergy, mutual help, and performance improvements. And more than that, the fraternity invites the grace of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.

Because of that we should always try to maintain brotherhood. Do not give the slightest chance the fire point of enmity enlarges and fuels the values ​​of brotherhood. What should we keep for brotherhood to be sustainable?

Keep the Mind

Fraternity should be maintained by always thinking good. Look at the good things of our friends. Then we will find so much goodness in him. This can foster positive feelings and strengthen the brotherhood.

For example, if we see one of our friends not present in the celebration that we title, then berprasangkalah good. Maybe our friend there is an interest that can not be postponed. If we hear negative news that he deliberately avoided, do not be swallowed straight. If it turns out to be true, we believe our brother has a justifiable reason.

Do not think negatively with the right prejudices. Especially if we then hooked to find fault. Everyone must have weaknesses. We ourselves also have shortcomings. Therefore if we bring up negative things, then we will definitely find a lot of negatives from our friends. It is not necessarily a long-standing brotherhood, destroyed only by prejudice. Stay away, because prejudice is a sin.

in my opinion, the brotherhood is like the eyes of blood in the veins, where the brotherhood is something that can not be separated in life, the brotherhood can be based on the relationship of blood or a descendant also occurs due to a friendship that has been long and feel complementary and mutually respect each other and petrified in joy and sorrow walaupum there is no relationship of blood or kinship.

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