
Let me say this as I always tell people ,people are poor because of their mindsets. You cannot help someone beyond the level of his thinking.

Poverty isn't just the absence of money, it is the inability of the mind to function as a problem solver. Poor people are first poor in their thinking before they are in their pockets, wallets or bank accounts.

you want tot help a poor man,the best solution is not to give him money , it is to help him have a change of mindset.

Poverty is a mindset just as prosperity is a mindset.

Poverty is never a thing of money but a thing of the mind,the difference between a rich man and a poor man is not money in quote but the mindset.

Until your mind is renewed, change from the inside, you will remain poor.

There are different ways to break out of poverty and one of them is right association; you can't keep associating with people of small minds and expect to think big, learn to associate with people that think big and have a large capacity.

And also in today's world, you simply can't afford to be financially illiterate. You have to understand how money works, and how the economics affect your net worth. The average poor person does not go into detail understanding about assets and liabilities and this is reflected in decision-making. 

So in other words you need to have knowledge on how to deal and handle money.

poverty sometimes is not self chosen but  we dont put in effort to eradicate this.. A family of 6 with no stable income will always struggle to make ends meet. Countries with low economy will be drenched in penury. Overpopulation, lack of education, diseases and also natural disaster are part of this reasons.

People still choose to live above their means and with this we cant eradicate poverty. Some of us will have the means of bettering our lives but will choose the wrong way. Unemployment is also killing our communities too much crowd less job. poverty will continue to be amidst us if we don't fight all this problem.

Blame the Illuminati

The Business analyst supposes it may be the manner in which we decide 'poverty”,'

They recommend we take a gander at utilization, as opposed to wage. On the off chance that somebody has everything given to them, lodging, utilities, nourishment, medicinal care, training, perhaps they truly are not 'poor'. The fact being, possibly the welfare programs have been effective, and not cash down a rodent opening. On the off chance that we simply give more individuals all the more free stuff, poverty can be stopped, until the point that the cash runs out...

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