
Well different people experience different feelings when they get drunk. I for one feel giddy whenever I drink a lot and I guess it's that way for most people but some people have different reactions to large amounts of alcohol. I've met people who get angry when drunk, I've met someone who complained of a pain in his spine when he was drunk, I've met someone who couldn't stop crying when he was drunk. And I've met someone who couldn't stop talking when he's drunk.

Basically, there are four types of drinks

1) the master: he is considered the king of alcohol. No matter how much he drinks he stays normal. The alcohol has little or no effect on his behaviour. He is what everyone aspires to be.

2) the prince: he is second because he knows how to hold his liquor. He does not have the control that the master has but he is close. These are the people that become a little more lively after drinking. They speak more and are a little more sociable than they are when sober.

3)the jester: these are the most common type of drunks. They become very energetic and happy after drinking. They are what we call the life of the party and they are usually the ones with the worst hangovers. These are the ones that we find under a table the next morning.

The grouch: these are people that experience negative emotions because of alcohol. They may become angry, irritable, sad but generally, they are what we refer to as vibe killers. While not everyone is like this, a little annoyance can push both the jester and the prince into this group although it will be considerably harder to do it to the prince.

Every kind of drunk falls into these four categories

Speaking from experience, I don't think they feel irritated at all.

I've been drunk quite a few times and I can comfortably tell you that there's nothing and I mean nothing that could irritate you when you're drunk. There's a kind of euphoric feeling that you get when the "buzz" as my friends like to call it, hits you. At that point everything from the way you walk to the way your nose looks in front of your face will fascinate you.

Most times, people that are drunk aren't even coherent enough to allow their brains process what might irritate them and what might not because your brain is basically shutting down. I've never felt irritated by anything while I was drunk and I'm one of those people who remember every single detail about being drunk, including all the embarrassing things I did when I was less than sober.

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