
For a long time conspiracy theories in the developing world. Starting from vaccines that can cause autism, flat earth, to the theory that the world is led by reptile elites; Conspiracy theories are always followed by many people.

the most common conspiracy theories are theories that follow the development of political currents. As a broad rule, parties that are not in power will be more likely to believe in conspiracy rather than trusting the ruling group.

Equally important in believing in a conspiracy theory is the desire to be special or different. That is a need that appears in all demographics.

First, the researchers found that people who support conspiracy theories are more likely to think that they have rare and confidential information.

Second, the researchers found that people who have a high desire to appear unique are more likely to believe in conspiracy theories.

By and by, I don't. 

For a paranoid fear to really hold water with me, it must have some type of legitimate and substantialble justify. 

I've taken after various them intently and expelled the greater part of them as profoundly unlikely. In excess of a couple have survived in any case and I accept might be more to the story than meets the eye. 

My two greatest ones are the JFK death and 9/11. 

For 9/11, building 7 is simply a lot to swallow. I could reject the greater part of alternate certainties however it's been demonstrated relatively unimaginable for 7 to have crumpled because of flame. That is the indisputable evidence. 

For JFK, it is standing out Jackie remained there beside Johnson while he was confirmed. Ya, I realize that is not substantiable, it's simply in her eyes. She knew something and needed the world to see the blood and repulsiveness of the legislatures activities. CIA connivance without a doubt. ;)

It has long been a conspiracy theory in the developing world. Starting from vaccines that can cause autism, flat earth, to the theory that the world is led by reptile elites; Conspiracy theories are always followed by many people.

This partly explains why although there is already a lot of evidence that refutes conspiracy theories, followers of the theory rarely change their minds. That is because giving up their beliefs means also giving up their privileges

For example, despite many photos that prove the round shape of the earth, proponents of flat earth theory still deny it by calling the photo an engineering one.

For example, someone who believes that if the earth is flat, then he will desperately reject evidence from contradictory theories that say if the earth is round.

This is what makes conspiracy theories so difficult to deny. Because people do not want to listen to evidence that is contrary to the theory they believe.

This 'dangerous' aspect can lead to wider manifestations. Even though hoaxes and conspiracy theories are different phenomena, they are the same, right? Prejudice.
therefore I do not really believe in conspiracy theories.

The theory is indeed true, it can be proven from small things like: when we play poker with a number of players 5 people, then we can conspire against 3 other players, so the result of losing 1 player who is a conspirator victim can be divided into four , and the method is commonly used by famous gamblers.

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