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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago

can be cured with natural medicine and these are some natural remedies that I have tried and the results are also satisfying

1. Essential oils

Essential oils are oils that are mixed from various types of oils such as jojoba oil, grape seed oil, lavender oil, thyme, rosemary and cedar wood. Rub into bald scalp and massage evenly. Use this every day and it's better to apply it at night when you are going to sleep.

2. Leaves of hives or henna

Host leaves or also commonly called henna leaves which are the main natural ingredients of henna, is one solution that can be tried. The thick orange color can cover bald skin which slowly stimulates hair growth. Simply mash the 10 leaves and put them on your scalp.

3. Castor oil

Castor oil is known for a long time to encourage faster hair growth if used regularly. Massage your head when you apply it to absorb better and use it before bedtime. Rinse and shampoo in the morning.

4. Egg yolks

Egg yolks are highly nutritious ingredients that are very good at fertilizing hair. Make a hair mask with a mixture of egg yolks, with castor oil and honey and spread evenly to the scalp.

5. Shallots

Shallots have high sulfur content that can cleanse the scalp while helping hair growth more quickly. If your skin is sensitive, then mix the onion juice with castor oil or a little water.

Although there is no medical drug that can treat alopecia, you can apply some of these natural ingredients to overcome baldness that spreads to other parts of the head, Ladies. You can also take dietary supplements to meet body nutrition.

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