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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago

1. Sit up straight

When an asthma attack occurs, immediately stop the activity you are doing. Then, sit up straight. This action allows you to breathe better.

Instead, avoid bending or lying down. Because these two positions can make the airways more blocked, and the asthma attacks you experience can get worse.

2. Take a deep and long breath

Asthma attacks can cause an imbalance of oxygen and carbon dioxide (hyperventilation) levels, which can interfere with blood flow to the brain.

If left unchecked, the patient can experience fainting. In an effort to prevent this, you can take a deep and deep breath. Do it for a while, until the condition feels better.

3. Stay calm

You may feel panic when you don't find an asthma medication in its place. However, so that the attack does not get worse, try to remain calm and relaxed. Arrange the breath in such a way, so it isn't too fast.

In addition, try to relax clothes that feel cramped. This is so that your breathing rate does not experience interference or obstacles.

4. Avoid the trigger immediately

Asthma sufferers really need to know what ingredients or substances can trigger an attack. Is it dust, cigarette smoke, the smell of chemicals, or other. If you already know, really stay away from the originator at all.

5. Drink a cup of warm tea

Warm drinks that contain caffeine, such as coffee or tea, can help open the airways a little. In the end, an asthma attack will feel lighter.

Seek medical attention immediately

If wheezing, coughing or shortness of breath you get worse after resting, seek medical attention immediately. Do not think trivial, because an asthma attack that is allowed to continue can lead to loss of life.

Do not let asthma interfere with activities, let alone reduce the quality of your life. Always be aware and take the medicines needed to deal with the attack. If not, remember the tips above, so that the asthma attacks that occur are not getting worse.

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