
Honestly, the question is incomplete. I'm probably going to get boo-ed of the stage by the asker and everyone else here....also @musing

It should be "Do you think you can plan your life and execute that plan successfully?"

if the questions was just, "Do you really think that you can plan your life?". Then the evident and final answer is YES

But can someone, a family, an clandestine organization, a country socially engineer and plan out someone's whole life and make sure they follow the bulk of that plan, the answer is a statistical dismal failure of a no....maybe 1 in million at best.

Can someone plan out their education, to some degree and with some fore-knowledge, yes.

Can someone plan out the exposure and education for their children, yes.

Can education ensure a successful life.....not exactly, but i will tremendously increase the probability, (like alot), depending on the quality and the content (and context - think teaching your kid programming in the late 1990s and early 2000s) of that education.

Can you plan a whole life and follow that plan, probably not, between biology, nature, nurture, conflicts, chaos, and circumstances, and financial barriers of entry for most, it would not be wise to rigidly plan a life.

Having said that, it's import to plan an acquisition of knowledge, getting and know more, timely knowledge in particular, is the best insurance and the one of the best strategy to have a well lived....albeit partially planned life.

AKA. Invest in yourself, plan for the worst, plan for best, but expect randomness and a little luck.

Education is perhaps the best planning and best commitment anyone at any age can make, and it is especially important for younger people.

Why not? I mean if you are talking about daily routine then its hard up to a certain point. But if you are talking about life goals, ambitions, strategy for success etc then yes.. it is possible.

Everyone has a goal of some sorts..some work in a certain way to achieve it and some do not. But in any case everyone has one... Setting up a plan for your whole life takes some preparations. Many develop a plan on their own. I also one on my own which consists three different aspects. Determination, Direction and Discipline. THE Infamous tripple "D"s.

Determination - You will find many articles online about how determination plays a role when trying to accomplish anything at all. Ive found that determination alone is not sufficient. you have to constantly motivate youself to be determined.. Now how do you do that? think about things which you like. Even the tiniest things such as shades perhaps or a new phone or anything you woukd like to have. Even a good dinner maybe.

Now whenever you get something done, incentivize youself with those things. And you will soon be motivated to do anything. Get lots and lots of feedbacks from your ownselve. Think how would something turn out differently if you changed your method. And think before doing it in the first place. Take a little more time if necessary before jumping at work. when things become organized you will find you are stubbornly determined towards doing anything if you think that thing will help you achive something.

Direction- Think deeply about which jobs you might like. Find out what you are interested in.. Set up priorities.. And once you successfully extract your likeness just make a directed narrative about how your approach should be towards that goal. You will slip and fall in someplaces when you start chasing. But never lose hope. Take those as pit stops or challenges.. work your way up but never change the direction.. Whatever might come in your way, never change it. If you think you are not finding enough opportunities then make you own. Create those options deliberately but never lose your track. Because once you start you will never have enough time.

Discipline- now comes the most important virtuo. a well organized plan is always better. When you have discipline you will start to recognize what is unnecessary and what is important. You will find a rythm that will help you overcome any obstacle. Think if your abilities as resources. divide them into places where you need them. arrange your those resources based on priorities. And once you shape the allocation process the whole thing will come together easily.

Follow the tripple "D"s XDXD. Success will follow you. atleast the worked for me..

I think life can be planned, with a willingness, careful planning and a hard effort to make it happen.

Planning Write the plan of your life, describe one by one.

The contents of the plan are the things that are on your mind. Describe ideas about what we expect to be better, do more or do differently in life. Do not be satisfied with what you already have, ask yourself why it matters or what you will get if you achieve it later, to explore the real reason behind each item. You should be able to get the real reason of all your plans and know that they are in line to fit into your life purpose. If you do not know what it is, then obviously you need more planning. Many people get frustrated when faced with questions about goals. Look for things that affect others and how others affect you, it is an easy place to start.

Give Room To Change Your Plan

Planning is much easier if you leave some space to grow and change it. It is unlikely that one plan has not changed over the years, and you need to adjust your planning as you learn more about what's important to you.

If and how there are changes to your goals, then you should also review your planning. There is nothing wrong with changing your planning as a change in life.

The more often you see the planning and change it the easier you can adjust to the new circumstances and make sure you stay on the right track. Also, reviewing planning allows you to avoid feeling complacent when you reach the things you've targeted. Do not be stagnant, keep pushing yourself and make sure you add new things to your planning.

My hope is that people, especially those reading this article, can write down their goals and make plans for their lives. This will bring happiness to many people and I know what power can be achieved if this really happens.

I know that I will not be able to get everyone to take on this challenge, but people I know who are taking on this challenge have shown remarkable results and now understand the power of a plan.

Not at all, but Whether we plan to make changes in our life is our own? Or does our plan create changes in others and make the world better? When we want to improve ourselves and other people. Determination of the plan will help us achieve what we've specified-step by step. We will be surprised to find ourselves make a change and make a difference.

If we have a target, planning and we are able to achieve it, we prove to ourselves and others that we can. We know what steps should be undertaken. In addition, the achievement of the targets will also make us so much stronger, and makes us feel comfortable with ourselves.

Target or planning makes us move forward. He could be the reason that makes us willing to answer the whole our power

Every successful human being is a man who can manage his life. From the above question I answered yes. because every human can manage life. But in regulating life it takes strong discipline. Man governs but God determines. Usually the person who can manage his life is the one who will succeed in the future. Having a target in life is a form of living. And it is very important to have rules in life. so start managing life from now to succeed to come to you. Thanks

"If one does not know which port one sails to, no wind is favorable" - Marcus Aurelius (emperor of Rome)

Of course i can plan my life. In fact everyone should plan their lives as a blueprint of what to do. whether it gets done depends on if i stick to it, if circumstances allows it... etc.

It's way better than "happy go lucky" and living by the day. Animals does that, we humans have developed consciousness that extends beyond that of an animal and have the ability to aspire, to dream, to plan, to look beyond the natural needs of survival.

I see it as my prerogative to not only plan, but stick to it and execute.

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