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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago

If i could change 3 things for the better environment of my country then it will be:

1 . The president

We have had thesame person ruling this nation for 34years now. It is because of this that we now have a civil problem that is almost becoming a civil war now. Many have died already, life is not easy at all, youths have dropped out of school etc. So this will be the very first thing i will change for sure.

2. The constitution of my country

The constitution of this country has been ammended so many times in the past decade to protect, favour and place so much powers in the hands of the president. Can you believe there is a law that says he cannot be judged for crimes committed while in office if ever leaves? That is so unfair and gives him the power to do as he wishes.

3. Direct funds into the agricultural sector

This is a sector that brings in a lot into the country and contribute so much to the state budget. Instead most of the funs have been directed towards sectors like defence and the military. I think the agricultural sector should topped and more funds invested into this sector as it has for past decades proven to be the backbone of our economy.

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