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RE: Musing Posts

If I'm being honest, very little trust. As sad as it sounds, Nigeria is famed for its level of corruption and the media isn't immune to it. I find that the news is always twisted to fit somebody's agenda and it's always politically motivated.

There's always somebody influential in the media who's in the pocket of a wealthy politician somewhere who'll always be willing to adulterate the actual story to favour their own private agenda.

If it's not politically motivated then the story will be twisted in such a way that it will seem appealing to readers, that way they can gather more people to watch their stations or buy their newspapers or read their blogs, it's a never ending cycle of private agendas which eventually ends with the public not actually getting the full story of what's happening.

With everything that I've experienced, I only trust what I see with my own two eyes, not what the media says. Even on talk shows, there's always a clear bias on the part of the hosts, it's not something they try to hide anymore. Frankly it's just sad.

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