
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover.

I think you are being close minded based on the fact that you have a traditional marriage.

There's nothing as being closed minded or open minded when it comes to things that are natural and unnatural. Gay marriages can not help mankind or fulfill the purpose of marriage in anyway, so it's completely absurd and useless

I respect you as a person @resuscitate and all of us have different views and different experiences.

In your view, it seems like marriage is for procreation and to fulfill biblical text, but in my view, I believe that marriage is for lifelong commitments and that all of them benefit society.

I still think that traditional marriage is superior to same-sex marriage but I prefer members of the LGBT community who focus on marriage over LGBT's who focus on recreational and indiscrimate sex.

Because of my personality type, I have a fairly open mind @resuscitate but I also understand that having a narrow mind can have benefits in certain situations.

We can agree to disagree but I still respect you. Thank you for remaining kind 😊👍🏼

You're going to be amazed when you discover how diverse nature actually is. Fish that change their sex, fungi that have thousands of sexes, mammal species were gay sex is common, like pronghorn deer, giraffes and macaques, same-sex bird couples that adopt or steal eggs - it's a wild, wild world.

None of this is an argument for or against marriage equality.

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