
Youtube, stackoverflow and just doing it.

Go to youtube for a basic tutorial. Thats all you really need. If you already know another language, you can transfer those skills over but Python has some differences so watching a video for the basics is very good. Just search for python tutorial and watch the first couple from someone you like. I end up hating most people(they go too slow or too fast) so I try and watch from people I like for other videos. Once you get the basics down, start a project.

Try and make a calculator. Everyone uses that as an example because its not too hard and should teach you about operators and other things.

Theres nothing better to learn something than just doing it. Sit down, and think of something you want to create, or better yet, are forced to create. It could be a simple little thing to make your life easier, but thats all you need. If you get stuck, or have an error, google it and go to the first stackoverflow link(I'm not kidding). You learn a lot from stackoverflow by looking at other's codes. From there just google what else you need to know and you'll learn it. Need to get data from an api, google how to do it and you'll find someone explaining it. Google google goole. Googling will help you learn.

Codecademy is also another free tool that should help you get the basics down.

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