
Dreams are the traction of the desires of your heart. What you dream are the things that you mind has been thinking of. A dream is not controllable because it is an unnoticed desire of your heart and mind.

Oftentimes our dreams served as our motivation in life. We are driven by the desires of our heart and live with it. So it is the dream that controls us. It is what we live. 

I dreamt of becoming an Engineer and that dream controls me of what I do. It is simple that dreams are directions of our desires.

Well, I understand the fact that dreams don't comes from conscious mind, the place where they come from is a part in a human brain but they are still part of self.. On the other way non-conscious part of human still have little control and input into who we are, but many can differentiate this two part in there lifes..

The reason why dreams control man is because it's a non-conscious part and Concious brain does not control dreams. When man try to position himself to conscious part of the brain it's like selling oneself short and the continuity of lack in awareness that your dreams are just like you. When you get away with conscious mind and focus on non-conscious, gaining more awareness of what is going on I'm the rest of your brain will be easier and thereby you can control your dream

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