
I think it is misleading to think of psychologists as being able to 'read people's mind'. For that, you would need a mystic. There are mystic psychiatrists of course :)

A 'good' psychiatrist must primarily have an understanding of the workings of their own minds - ie to have understood their own experiences, and why they perceive the world the way they do. To do this, they delve into their own psyche, and they come to understand the building blocks, they release their own emotional traumas before being able to help others. They also learn some theory and methodology, but this is empty and meaningless without a deep understanding of self. There are countless psychologists who are NOT qualified in this manner, although they may have the 'degree' that allows them to practice!

Once there is an understanding of one's own experience, it is possible to read people in a manner that allows glimpses into these building blocks of experience, which, coupled with the process of 'talk therapy', brings out the content of the 'subconscious' mind, such that it can now be looked at objectively and healing can take place.

But this is not 'mind-reading', it is about being skilled in picking up clues, reading the signs. Frankly, even if the mind could be read by the psychiatrist, this might not work. After all, the patient/subject is unclear in their own mind and has come to clear up the 'mess'. Therefore this also has to be patient work of investigation - there aren't any easy shortcuts :)

Here is sharing my opinion :-
Being a student of psychology, I assume you'd soon learn how to conduct a research to answer question "why do people do the things they do", in this case, "why do people have the perception that psychology enable people to read minds".....

But... wait... you're not here to ask sincere questions.

1, I'm pretty sure you don't ALWAYS get the question. You might get once or twice and confirmation bias makes you exaggerated the occurrence of such incidence. ...

2, you don't want to know the answer of "why people believe in stupid things", you want us to tell you "because people are stupid", more specifically, "people are stupider than YOU".

So in reality, this question is not an sincere question hoping to understand human behavior, it is a condescending, self-congratulatory, arrogant rant...

Oh, and, have you ever thought about people are just joking with you? No? Are you sure you want to study psychology? you seems rather lacking in compassion, which is needed to be a good therapist to help people; or objectivity, which is needed to be a good researcher....

You want to learn some mind reading techniques? I do not know if you will be able to practice reading people's minds. But you will definitely have a little short knowledge of basic tricks in doing so.

The development of human civilization, we all realize that most of the problems in this world are caused only by misunderstanding of ideology. A person can understand each other well, life will be simpler and more peaceful. We fail to understand the other person's way of thinking, we already consider understanding. Hoping if I could read minds, it would be easier to deal with the opposite ideology in life.

I think it depends on how well you can study people and their behaviour,when you studypeople well you will be able to quickly know whatever decision they want to make ,you will what they want to do even before they make decisions to do....reading people Mind is not an easy task but it is a task that is very possible to achieve especially if the person is a good pscyhologist....

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