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RE: Musing Posts

My 2 year old daughter has a sign of tooth decay but she loves candy and chocolates, what should I do know?

I don't want to stop her eating what she loves immediately from what she loves but I want some best advice.


Stop giving your daughter sugar. It's highly addictive and very harmful to her health. 

Here are some of the most well known issues processed sugar can create:

  1. Tooth decay
  2. Decreased IQ
  3. Increased stress
  4. Chromium defficiency
  5. Messed up glucose levels
  6. Weight gain
  7. Increased risk of heart disseases
  8. Acne
  9. Diabetes
  10. Can cause hyperactivity
  11. Increased risk of cancer
  12. Increased risk of depression
  13. It drains your energy
  14. Increased risk of kidney disseases
  15. Can cause gallstones
  16. Can cause accelerated aging
  17. Can cause arthritis

These are just a couple of the most well known issues processed sugar can create. 

If you love your daughter and care for her health, you won't allow her to eat processed sugar no matter how hard she begs for it.

Thanks, Yea, I stopped giving her but, how can we give them the candy-taste alternative without damaging thier teeths,any ideas?

Find a recipe for any candy she likes. Replace processed sugar with stevia (natural sugar).

Don't do that. Only if you hate your daughter, than give her more candy and chocolate. Kids shouldn't even eat sugar, because today, you got sugar in almost everything you buy in store - even in bread. So, your daughter will get enough sugar in any way, even if you don't give here sweets. But if you do, her life with diabetes and teeth falling out... will not be much fun at all. 

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