
Certainly robots beyond any doubt can replace humans and as of now are :

In all manual occupations.

Driverless autos are as of now supplanting drivers.

Secretary are now confronting computerization

Most likely in years to come specialists may be supplanted by some Bot which can complete comparable errands adequately

In any case, until further notice robots can't supplant employments like:

Information researchers.

Programming engineers

Digital security specialists

Electrical designers

What's more, most likely any occupation that includes ability

However, there no telling what's on the horizon envisioning a future where a product can do precisely or more than what a human can do is quite hard.

Be that as it may, presumably simply like different occasions "like the mechanical upset more occupations would be made.

In my opinion, there are two possibilities in the future

1. AI will replace humans

There will be times when AI will be sentient or have the awareness and ability to think like living things. Some films like Terminator, show that an AI can fight its own creator.

If human awareness can be incorporated into a computer, human intelligence that is assisted by various computer elements directly can produce extraordinary things. However, this can make the human consciousness put into the computer become rash and try to control everything because it has a much greater power. Even without direct destructive Al, there is a possibility that human beings no longer need their bodies so they move their consciousness into a computer.

2. Humans will live side by side with AI

Usually AI events are against the creator and the human race due to the lack of regulations that bind AI. Fundamental Regulations such as Asimov's Laws of Robotics, should be implemented into AIs made.

- A Robot is not allowed to harm humans either directly or indirectly.

- A Robot must obey human commands unless the order violates the first law.

- A Robot must protect itself as long as the protection itself violates the first and second laws.

In making laws for Al itself is not easy because an Al who has the ability to think faster and accurately than humans can find a gap through these laws. By applying the law to AI, AI will function as expected and not endanger humanity.

No, robots and AI will not replace humans.

While robots and AI are very capable (because we created them so), the prerequisite for them to function well is a controlled environment. But this word that we live, this world that we inhabit, has so many infinite variables. For a lack of a better word, it is chaos (though I believe beneath the apparent chaos is order).

In such an uncontrolled environment with many changing variables, robots and AI will falter.

The human mind is still vastly superior, beyond any comparison!

If I start to think about the topic I could say that anything is possible, but I don't think it will ever happen. There are enough conspiracy theories claiming such a doom situation, but I don't believe it. 

I think that the planet Earth was created for humans to live on it and that's what it is. It might happen for us to live among such AI robots and work with them, but I don't see them replacing us and transforming our planet into a robots one. 

Life ever prevails and robots are not alive. I don't have any argument to clearly state my case on why it's impossible for robots to replace us, as I don't know exactly how the tech will evolve, but I doubt it will happen.

I do expect to live among them in a few decades... 

During the industrial revolution, humans were also afraid that machines will take over the world. It turned out that not only they didn't, they actually helped humans become more efficient and we can focused on more intellectual work due to machinery.

Forwarding time by 250 years, we are once again witnessing a revolutionary technology being born. Will robots and AI replace humans? My short answer is no. I think that robots and AI will replace some jobs that humans are currently still doing. Especially those that require repetitive manual effort. I am not just referring to menial work at shipyards or factories, I am also talking about jobs like legal proofreading, financial auditing and security events correlation. The list is endless but the sky is not going to collapse overnight. So if you are working in those areas, do not panic... yet.

With humans freed up from manual repetitive work, we won't lose productivity as a whole. Instead, I think we will be even more productive, creative and inventive. The key difference between an AI/Robot and human is that human can create something from nothing, while AI/Robot cannot. That is because AI/Robots cannot recognize problems and opportunities when there are. 

AI can learn based on what they are programmed to learn. You can program an AI to identify faces better and faster with each iteration. But in the first place, they would never have the idea that facial identity is important. You can get them to learn what are fake news and what are not. But they will not know that fake news is a problem in the first place.

You see, the value of humans is that we are able to keep thinking out of the box and improve our productivity along the way. We are also creative in the field of arts and music. These are things that I think AI are not capable of. I view AI/Robots as useful tools. Imagine if AI/Robots are able to help us with very rapid prototyping. Our jobs will literally be just dreaming. As we think of an idea, a prototype is already being built and we can immediately see if it works or not. So much time and effort would have been saved!

Personally, I am looking forward to the day which I can just lounge around and dream of ideas while I let AI take care of the menial task of prototyping/testing them. :)

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