
Average is around 900-1000€ per month. Depends where you work. If you work in a productive firm , making cars or parts for cars on CNC, your wage is around €1600. But if you work in a bar or in a shop, your wage (mostly) will not exceed above 900€. But you have most of public utilities payed with our taxes. Healthcare is cheap. What I don't really like, are the prices of everyday stuff. Which are almost the same as in countries little bit north, where average wages keep around €1800-2500

In my country people that works with the government ,the average wages per month is below $40 dollars and those that works in a private organization that has less than 20 staff are paid less than $20 dollars.

With these wages it's hard to survive without other source of income, so for anyone to live with those wages it will be wise to have other source of income as that wages can barely sustain you talkless of your family. That can of wages can only afford one square meal and a place to sleep for a month, you cant avoid a lavish lifestyle nor feed yourself well...

Depends on who you ask. The state will say its around 750€  but, in my, personal experience it has been closer to 500€ or 600€/mo. That doesn't buy you much though. If you have an appartment, or live with your parents, an average wage in Croatia will buy you a normal life. Nothing fancy. Just the basic things you need to get through the month. 

On the other hand, if you need to rent an appartment you are better of dead because rent is about 400€ + 100-150€ utilities, leaving you with only 100-150€ a month for food and everything else. 

The standard of living is pretty bad in Croatia imo. We earn far less than we deserve to, yet everything is so expensive. It might not be expensive for a foreigner comming from the US or the UK for example but, for us, its a real struggle to get by.

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