What is the current state of global warming worldwide?

in #musing-io6 years ago (edited)

View the original post on Musing.io

GLOBAL WARMING is the observed and projected increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere and ocean. In some areas of the world, mainly in some areas near the Tropics and the Equator, global warming also means a cooling instead of heating. When this areas these areas get cooler, tropical plants, animals, and birds die or migrates. Global warming is the part of cycle that will end in another ice age. Due to deforestation and industrialisation, are is being highly polluted, which leads to global warming. Average global land and sea temperature is rising. The glaciers and permafrosts are melting. Ice in the south and north poles is melting rapidly. The Gangotri glacier in the Himalayas, which is the source of water of the river Ganga, is retreating at the speed about 30 metres every year. If this warming trend continues, it will melt more rapidly. Then the sea level will rise, causing coastal areas to be flooded. This can be lead to land and food shortage for many countries. It can result in crowding, diseases, and famines in many areas of the world due to the lose of lands. Global worming causes crop failures mainly in the trGlobalopics.

Hurricanes, cyclones, and typhoons are increasing in intensity. Fresh water resources are fast diminishing. Within 50 years, 40% of the world's population will not have enough water to drink. Coral reefs in the oceans are disappearing. These reefs are a vital source of sustenance for all marine life. Their extinction will change the seas. Islands like Maldives and some cities in Bangladesh will be submerged very soon. Agricultural will be highly effected. A one degree rise in average temperature causes a fall in the rice, wheat, and corn production by 10%.

Global worming if under control is beneficial for the atmosphere as the earth's temperature would have been -18°C without global worming. But global worming has assumed a serious dimension today as Green House give off at a high rate.

Due to global warming and deforestation, animals like the polar bear and the penguins are becoming extinct. Altogether 9 of world's 17 major fishing grounds are declining at an alarming rate.

What should we do?  we can avert these dangerous consequences if we can check the present rate of emission of poisonous greenhouse gases. It is the duty of all nations to treat global worming with serious concern. Forests store carbon. Deforestation now accounts for about 20% of carbon dioxide emissions each year. Hence, throughout the world, steps should be taken to minimise deforestation.

Large scale tree plantation is an answer to global warming. A single tree can absorb about one tone of carbon dioxide in its lifetime.

The Earth is our mother, the sword of Democles is hanging over her. We should be the protectors of our planet, and we must take all the steps necessary for protecting our home. We should be the crusaders for her cause. There should be a combined effort by the governments and the people to launch several awareness campaigns against global warming. This awareness of today can make all the difference tomorrow. To save our environment is not merely our duty, but the only means to protect us.



Good post my friend

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