Wayback music challenge: Day 3 - Rio Reiser

in #musicwaybackchallenge7 years ago (edited)

Rio Reiser - Jenseits von Eden (East of Eden)

I was nominated by @katharsisdrill to participate in this challenge, where you have to write seven consecutively posts about songs from your high-school/college years, that somehow were important for you.

After yesterday's post, I had a short conversation with @katharsisdrill about the enormous force of music and that it can be used politically or even can be politically without trying. So my third post is about the former vocalist of a very political band called Ton Steine Scherben (Clay Stones Shards).

Ton Steine Scherben were pioneers in German music culture. [...] Their lyrics were at the beginning anti-capitalist and anarchist. [They] had connections to the squatter scene (e.g. Rauch-Haus-Song) and the German Red Army Faction terrorists during the time before the latter turned to violent crime and murder. [...] They also contributed to two full-length concept album about homosexuality which were issued under the name Brühwarm (literally: boiling warm) in cooperation with a gay-revue group.


Before I tell you my story, please listen to the song and see the lyrcis:

Rio Reiser - Jenseits von Eden (Live 1988) [From their double album IV]


Hot, hot, boiling hot,
hot, hot, 100 degrees,
hot, hot, blazing hot,
hot, hot, blooming white.
Beyond Eden.
Euphrates and Tigris
Allah wanted it - so
Sixhundred sixty-six
protect us from yesterday
One nine thirty-three
In 3D and colour
Then it's intermission.
That was the Wild West.
Does God keep the Ten Commandments?
I don't want you,
to go in black
because I'm dead.

Where were you in the war?
Do you know what I mean?
You were on the scout,
I was on the run.
Can you hear the wheels rolling?
Transparent and clear
Sometime in the night
Bathed in music
Every flower has its shadow
Two thousand songs
Two thousand deaths
Mummy mummy, why have you born me
or did the donkey lose me at a gallop?

Oh, I'm jumping into void.
Hallelujah Sisters
I forgot the words,
I'm my own question mark.
But I'll be back tomorrow,
give me your blessing.
Love, what is that?
That's life in the city,
what's wrong with that?
Love comes from below.
Love has weak words.
Oh, I'm so tired.
I'm not leaving here,
go back into the sea,
find me my angel.
Who's behind the mirror?

My translation


Heiß, heiß, kochend heiß,
heiß, heiß, hundert Grad,
heiß, heiß, glühend heiß,
heiß, heiß, blühend weiß.
Jenseits von Eden.
Euphrat und Tigris
Allah wollte es - so
schütze uns vor Gestern
Eins neun dreiunddreißig
In 3D und Farbe
Dann ist Sendepause.
Das war der Wilde Westen.
Hält Gott die Zehn Gebote?
Ich will nicht,
daß du in schwarz gehst
weil ich tot bin.

Wo warst du im Krieg?
Weißt du, was ich meine?
Du warst auf der Suche,
ich war auf der Flucht.
Hörst du die Räder rollen?
Durchsichtig und klar
Irgendwann in der Nacht
In Musik gebadet
Jede Blume hat ihren Schatten
Zweitausend Lieder
Zweitausend Tode
Mamamama, warum hast du mich gebor'n
oder hat mich der Esel im Galopp verloren?

Ach ich spring ins Leere.
Halleluja Schwestern
Ich hab den Text vergessen,
ich bin mein Fragezeichen.
Doch ich komm morgen wieder,
gib mir deinen Segen.
Liebe, was ist das?
Das ist das Leben in der Stadt,
was soll daran schlecht sein?
Liebe kommt von unten.
Liebe hat schwache Worte.
Ach ich bin so müde.
Ich geh hier nicht weg,
geh zurück ins Meer,
such mir meinen Engel.
Wer ist hinterm Spiegel?



After the discrepancy between my parent's believes and my own experiences and conclusions had grown dramatically since I started to read books from Hesse and Nietzsche, I finally left my parents' home the day before I started studying at the University. It hadn't been planned, since my parents lived only about half an hour drive away from Dortmund.

But my mother was so disappointed that day, that I didn't want to attend their worship service, that she poured out all my things on the floor of my room and told me: "At least clean up your room!"

When they came back, I had boxed all my things for the move. My father yelled:"We didn't kick you out!" and "Give me the key!" and seconds later I was on the way in my new life.

It took me some time to discover this album after this radical experience, but the song pretty much sums up my feelings and thoughts, I had when I went east of Eden.

East of Eden

RWS Tarot 10 Wheel of Fortune.jpg
By Pamela Coleman Smith - a 1909 card scanned by Holly Voley (http://home.comcast.net/~vilex/) for the public domain, and retrieved from http://www.sacred-texts.com/tarot (see note on that page regarding source of images)., PD-US, Link

There are also some interesting facts about the album:

All the songs on the album aside from Morgenlicht were composed with the aid of Tarot cards from the Major Arcana. The so-called "Tarot secret" was not revealed until years after Rio Reiser's death, as it was worried that the magic of the innovative and sometimes very different texts would be lost.


The song Jenseits von Eden ("East of Eden") relates to the Wheel of Fortune.

The Tarot cards were also used to assign different tasks for each song, i.e. who wrote the lyrics and composed the music. [...] An additional component of the album was the musical variety used in production. Several guest musicians were invited for the recordings [...]. A youth choir from Niebüll was also used for the song Wie in den Tagen Midians. Members of the band also played using less common instruments, such as the hammered dulcimer.



Later in my life, I also had a period, where I digged deep into tarot card reading using the Thoth Tarot by Aleister Crowley and also the Dada art movement (to which the lyrics of the song relate) extremely catched my attention.

But that's another story...

Thanks for reading!


The #musicwaybackchallenge rules:

  • Choose one song from your high-school/college years.
  • Write a few words about who made you listen to this song for the first time, what this song means to you (was it a breakup song? you blasted it at 100% on your audio system when you were partying with your friends?) whatever you want.
  • Write your text while listening to the song. As soon as the song ends, wrap up what you where writing and submit it.
  • Do this for 7 days in a row if you get nominated
  • Mention one person who should do this on each day.
  • Tag it with #musicwaybackchallenge and include these rules at the bottom of your post

I don't know any of the music you have posted, but somehow this band is really so eighties that I know it anyway. Good rock to a truly moving story... tarot and all.

Some real Rock and music I really appreciate that good stuff thanks. @shortcut

Welcome! Rock it ;-)

beautiful music. should i say there is now a decline in the quality of music nowadays?

I don't think so! Eventually it's harder to find interesting music, because you have to do your own research, since the industry only pushes mainstream music. But for example all Ton Steine Scherben albums were self-published and promoted, so nowadays you probably would find them on bandcamp or dMusic.

Hmmm, thanks. This is true.

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