7-day wayback music challenge: Day 2 - Slayer -Dead Skin Mask

I was nominated for this challenge by fellow Steemian @verhp11- thanks! Anything music related and I am interested!

I was a heavy metal lover duruing my teenage years, and also an aspiring guitar playe. The combination of these things meant that I listened to a lot of Slayer! I can remember practising Dead Skin Mask for hours on end! was a bit of a fan boy of Kerry King, Dimebag Darrell and other metal guitar players - always dreaming of one day being a successful metal musician - something that has never come true :(

The introduction riff was deceptively difficult - trying to get the tone and harmonics just right. As the song goes on its more and more difficult untilt the solo which I never even attempted.

Below is a live version - I hope you enjoy as much as I do!

The rules:

Choose one song from your high-school/college years.

  • Write a few words about who made you listen to this song for the first time, what this song means to you (was it a breakup song? you blasted it at 100% on your audio system when you were partying with your friends?) whatever you want.
  • Write your text while listening to the song. As soon as the song ends, wrap up what you where writing and submit it.
  • Do this for 7 days in a row if you get nominated
  • Mention one person who should do this on each day.
  • Tag it with #musicwaybackchallenge and include these rules at the bottom of your post

I nominate @twolittlebirds for this challenge!



This is interesting.... Got carried away by every bit of the write up and the video

Do you still play guitar? I think it's a difficult instrument to master and takes a lot of practice. To me it's physically challenging - it actually hurts my hands, thus I never got into it (what a wimp I know)

Reading your comment made me feel a bit better about myself! I really wanted to learn in my teens and early 20s, had a few lessons but my hand strength wasn't there, plus a general lack of fine motor skills (which I now understand) didn't help, but I'd be interested in giving it another go. Got a few more calluses this time round!

I always admired guitar players because I knew how difficult it was. I found I actually excelled at piano which is still challenging with finger placement but I guess more ergonomic for me. I've had rheumatoid arthritis my whole life and it goes into remission but will come on if I overdo it. I like playing music but I've never been especially talented with creating it however I'm a decent player when I apply myself. But if it's "too hard" I am not especially motivated to break through the challenge.

My true love is painting and drawing and I haven't done it in years... one of my reasons for joining steemit was to start doing art again and I haven't done it! Like music, the hand needs to be trained and the stamina/strength has to build up. I know it's possible it is a matter of self-discipline (like with so many things). Just have to want it bad enough.

Have you ever tried bass guitar? You might find it a bit easier on the hands but it is a heavier instrument on the body. Wind instruments tend to be a bit easier on the body - I know this is silly to suggest, but a recorder, harmonica, or drum can be very satisfying as well.

It is difficult! Took me a few years to get started and learn the basics- its just practice...

Yeah I have had a few goes on bass over the years - its a really fun instrument to play. I would sometimes play because no one else wanted to

I read that sometimes in band autobiographies that the bass player just fell into it.
What're you doing in Spain or is that private? I just imagine a flamenco band or mariachi on every corner (jk!)

Yeah once you know guitar then bass is fairly easy to learn (the basics anyway!)

Haha na not private at all - teaching English.. and in a month we are off for 3 months over summer through Italy, Fracne, Germany etc

The older i get the less i play unfortunately... been in spain 8 months and dont have a guitar here


Fuck yea dude! One of my favourite slayer songs!

DUDE! Slayer are brilliant! I spent so much of my youth listening to their music

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