My Favorite Spanish Song in High School - 7 Day Way Back Music Challenge

When trying to figure out my 7 favorite songs from high school and college, quite a few came to mind. It is fun to think back, look for fun pictures and remember what I was like back then...and then be thankful for how far I've come in the last 20ish years!

My favorite class in high school was by far my Spanish class. My Spanish 2 and Spanish 4 teacher was my favorite teacher ever and she is the reason I wanted to be (and went on to be) a Spanish teacher. I loved the ideas she had for class and fun ways she would get more Spanish into our brains. One way was memorizing songs. That is how I learned about Selena and my favorite song she sang: Como la Flor.

I hope you'll take 3 minutes to listen to the musical talent of Selena y los Dinos. :) Perhaps "Como la Flor" will get stuck in your head as well!

Getting a grade for memorizing a song in Spanish was pretty easy, for the most part. What high school Spanish class would be complete without liking a boy or two in it? Then, like the flower (como la flor), our love faded away. This song was the story of my high school love life. Ha! I really liked this song and sang it a lot. Then, when I became a Spanish teacher, I also required my students to memorize it.

The rules:

Choose one song from your high-school/college years.
Write a few words about who made you listen to this song for the first time, what this song means to you (was it a breakup song? you blasted it at 100% on your audio system when you were partying with your friends?) whatever you want.
Write your text while listening to the song. As soon as the song ends, wrap up what you were writing and submit it.
Do this for 7 days in a row if you get nominated
Mention one person who should do this on each day.
Tag it with #musicwaybackchallenge and include these rules at the bottom of your post

I was nominated for the 7 day way back music challenge by @bozz. Because I figure he's got some pretty awesome music in his repertoire, I'd like to hear from @sultnpapper.

My other posts for the music challenge:
Jesus Freak

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I enjoyed that song, it got my bouncing in my seat!

Oh boy... all the music I listened to in HS and college were during my bad old days. Thankfully, these days I've purged all the filth from my system - worship music for me primarily now. God is so good. Bless the Most High!


Well thank you for the offer but I only listened to one song,"I got the all night laundry mat blues" by Joe Walsh. So for me to do seven days would just be kind of redundant. I'll pass. But here is a link if you care to listen.

Well, that is one interesting song there. ;) Ring around the's a serious deal! Thanks for sharing your favorite! :) Ha!

I was bumping some Selena on our new discord server today.

My voice was on too. I wonder what that means 😂😂. Hope nothing too crazy.

Lol! I love Selena!!

Ha! That's just because Spanish teaches are naturally awesome! Okay, I may be a little biased...

And your favorite song esan't "Macarena?" Mwahahaha

Lol - Macarena? Who doesn't love that song? Did you know this one?

Haha, no, but I should make my students listen to that on. They might rebel!

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