How To Use To Get More Plays For Your Musicoin Tracks.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #musicoin7 years ago (edited)

I initially developed as I was frustrated at how difficult I was finding it to get my SoundCloud tracks heard by anything more that a few serendipitous visitors.

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Little did I know that something as fantastic as Musicoin would come along a year or so later and allow me to help musicians get paid for their music too!!

The concept of is simple - you earn a credit for every track that you listen to for more than 60 seconds and you use those credits to put your own music in play rotation.

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Adding Musicoin Tracks

Once you have signed up for a FREE account go to Musicoin and view your profile to get a list of all your available tracks.

Right click on the name of the track you want to add (you can add up to 50) and copy the URL to the clipboard.

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Then go to the "My Details" page on and scroll down to the "Musicoin Tracks" section and click on "Add a Musicoin Track".

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Paste the Musicoin track URL into the "Track URL" box and select the genre.

Click "Add".

You'll see that your track has been added but it won't be in play until you allocated some credits to it.

You get a few free credits when you first sign up so you add those to the track by clicking on the orange "+1".

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Your track will now be added to the play queue and every time someone listens for more than 60 seconds a credit will be removed from the track.

Click on "Listen" at the top right to listen to other's tracks and earn more credits and remember to go back to "My Details" to allocate the credits to your track(s).

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There's a chat box on the "Listen" page too so why not say "hi". There are usually some friendly musicians around to answer any questions you may have.

There are also message boards and an FAQ.

I look forward to seeing your tracks come up on

Add dsound & Musicoin tracks and get more plays!

Follow Juxta for More Of My Music


How can you not support this? And how can you not be inspired by the type of mind that developed this service/gift! Thanks @atomcollector!

You made my day/week maybe even year with that comment! :-)

Thank you very much for your support!

I can't stress enough how important ACR has been for me. I met so many great people and it really helped getting my music discovered.

Being an independent musician ACR is a must.

Thank you very much Jon. Appreciate that!

You're the man! ACR has given SPAWN so many new friends and we met so many likeminded people. For me, it was a start of a new era where independent music was all we could eat, breath and drink. Well done on all the latest developments JJ!

So glad to hear it and thank you for all your support!

Add dsound & Musicoin tracks and get more plays!

Follow Juxta for More Of My Music

ATC is a must for newbie musicians here, a fabulous portal Full of essential info and friends to connect with - oh and great music to indulge in!

Thank you very much for being part of it and your unending support!

I must say that ACR is brilliant. It has helped me get more plays and fans. And it's all free, but of course you must listen to and support your fellow artists to benefit. I thoroughly recommend ACR for all independent musicians.

Thank you very much for your support Steve. It means a lot!

This is a great idea, but doesn't seem to be working properly. Have listened to a few musicoin songs so far, and have received 0 musicoin credits.

That's strange. No one else has reported any problems. Have you been listening for a minimum of 60 seconds per track?

Yea, listen to the whole thing. Also, after I listen to one song on the list and then try to listen to another, it won't allow me. I have to refresh the page and do it again.

What browser and operating system are you on. It shouldn't be a problem listening to the next song. Also what is your user id (you can see this at the top of the "My Details" page?

I use chrome and windows 8. user ID: 6828

OK what's happening is that your tracks are being played so the credits are getting used almost as soon as you earn them.

There is a bug that causes your credits to go down even if you haven't allocated them to a track yet. This only happens when there are a low number of tracks in rotation for a given genre and Musicoin plays have gone a bit mad since I added it!!

You can see that you had a play from the database update here.

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So, I tried to click on another song after playing the first one, and this is the error I get.

And it still isn't working. I played another song, the full song, over 60 seconds. No credit given to me, and no play on any of my musicoin tracks.

That is just the Musicoin site because it is still in beta. If you close that box and click on the title of the song and then play it on the Musicoin site itself you will still get a credit.

Sometimes Musicoin works flawlessly for hours and other times I think the site just gets too busy and it struggles.

Not sure if you can see this as we seem to have hit the maximum number of replies to a comment!

Anyway Can you contact me on Discord a you shouldn't have any problems getting Musicoin plays. I am @atomcollector on Discord too.

Dope concept! Will def give it a try. Kudos on ur great efforts

Great stuff, I'll make sure to upload some more tracks on the AtomCollectors website!

Seen one come up already. Thanks for your support!

This is a no brainer ....legendary move

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