Music Monday (feel free to add our own music)

The aim is simple, to banish those Monday blues with an eclectic range of music chosen by Steemit friends both old and new.

Music Monday.jpg

Every Monday I intend to post a music video (and a few words explaining my choice) I invite you to join me by doing same in the comments section below. As the forum (hopefully) grows my aim is that we begin to inspire our fellow Steemians to broaden their musical horizons by listening to the music that inspires us. The only thing I ask is that (where possible) every song we listen to is played nice and loudly on headphones or speakers in order that we capture it’s true essence.

As more Steemians join this venture there is also going to be the possibility of being rewarded for our musical tastes via the amount of upvotes each song receives. That said please never feel awkward about posting a track, a guilty pleasure or even your own musical ventures. I have an extremely wide range of musical interests but also understand that music like beauty is very much in the eye of the beholder. As such I may play my chosen song, but who am I to define what constitutes good music.

I hope everyone is well has enjoyed a good weekend. I'm very pleased that I'm able to get online just in time for another slice of #musicmonday .. I'll be catching up on all messages asap. So this week is a track that always reminds of driving down to the coast with my friends. It's a hot sunny day, the waves are calling, the wind is in my hair and I haven't a care in the world :D I hope you enjoy.

This isn't about making me Steem so please save your upvotes and reward the songs that you feel are worthy, although equally if my song stands out to you then I'd appreciate the vote. Any resteems would be much appreciated, all are invited and welcomed to join us in sharing and listening to a diverse range of music.


Written by perceptualflaws
Song: Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo
Band: Rolling Stones
Gifs courtesy of @justcallmemyth

Many thanks for taking the time and consideration to read this post. Any upvotes, follows and resteems are greatly appreciated. Follow @perceptualflaws



I love this song from The Rolling Stones, but let me share you the cover that made me discover this song, It is from the (London) Quireboys. It was included in a live album in 1990. I think that the cover is brilliant. Enjoy!

Hey my friend, hope you've enjoyed a good week. Excellent choice, never heard this cover but I'm really enjoying the sounds .. plus his rich graveled voice both really suits the track and lends it the air of experience that the song and subject matter deserve. Great work sharing this gem of a cover @calisay .. and as always, thank you for the music!

Ha man .. what a great choice @sequentialvibe .. I love Queen's work on this soundtrack! In fact, it was the first film I ever saw at the cinema .. my Dad took me :) Queen and Flash Gordon .. if I hadn't heard it and you pitched the idea I'd be hesitant about whether it could work .. but together they created a kind of magic :D Thank you for the music my friend .. I really enjoyed this music charged trip down memory lane!

oh I am so glad you got online to do this, I missed last week and was looking forward to today, thank you as always my friend for the music and inspiration xx
here is mine for today, I hope you enjoy it xxxx
(Canadian Band) Siskiyou the first is short so have 2 xx

Hey my friend .. it's been a bit of a nightmare the last week or so and it was touch and go whether I'd make it for #musicmonday, hence I'm really glad to be here and listening to this wealth of music. On that note, I've not heard of this band before .. but I love both of these choices! Really unique soundscapes and a great vocal talent .. rest assured I'm going to enjoy listening to their back catalogue. Thank you for the music and thank you for the introduction .. yet another inspired choice!

I hope all will become easier for you my friend especially since we move into winter. Stay warm and well and enjoy the music, I am always happy to share such good talent as much as I am to receive it xx

I hadn't heard of these guys either and I too will be exploring their back catalogue. Great stuff!

cheers @deirdyweirdy, they are great xxx

Hah right on it's Monday again!

This one is sharing of some strangeness but timely with the new Queen movie out there. Also appropriate as Crypto and STEEM just wants to break free.

I hear the movie is very good so well timed :) I can remember my Dad and his friends laughing along with this track (in a good way). They were proper hard as nails Eastenders and they loved Freddie .. in fact, my Dad was there for the Wembley gig when Inxs were the support act! It's a great track and I thank you for inspiring this trip down memory lane! And I'm hearing you on the whole steem powered crypto thing .. hopefully we'll get a pre Christmas boost?

Haha I am not counting on it but will be checking my stocking for sure! ;)

Not a very known Stones song. Thanks for sharing

DJ Fontana on drums who sadly passed away few months ago. I love the raw early Elvis performances and there are only few available

Ha yes this is great @hercdoukakis .. I love the raw sound as well, in my eyes it's too often a missing ingredient that makes much modern music too clinical and overproduced. It's easy to forget that in these early performances Elvis was creating music and performances that the world had never seen before .. what a man! Thank you for the music my friend .. I really enjoyed both the song and video.

It's Tuesday ya silly bugger. If we're going the stones, I've been listening to Beggars Banquet this week coz my son and I agreed it's one of their bests

It is now @riverflows :D And yes definitely one of their best! Love this meandering jam style of theirs .. you can really hear them paying homage to the blues legends of their youth. Another excellent choice my friend .. a perfect slice of stone jam to help me ease my weary bones. :) Thank you for the music my friend

Happy Monday everyone...Let's eat some Cake this week:)

Excellent my friend .. I had forgotten about this great fun track and band! Now I'm also trying to remember that cover they did? A perfect choice for #musicmonday that brightened and put a spring in my step on this my Tuesday morning :D Thank you for the music @palikari123 .. another great choice!!

Deal! Next week, I will post one of their covers for you lol.

Hey man been a bit absent the last couple weeks. Got some classic Aussie hip-hop/rap here haha. These guys were big here in NZ back in the day to, not sure if they got much of a European following? Throwback to my childhood 😃

Hey @bengiles no worries my friend, welcome back .. I've been pretty busy these last few weeks, but man you've come back with a great track! Loving the uplifting beats, vibes and linguistics .. plus the scratching is top notch. Never heard these guys before, but rest assured I'm going to enjoy checking out their back catalogue! Thank you for the music my friend .. a most excellent choice :D

Glad you like it!

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Go the Antipodes...

The song title makes me think of under pressure but I know it’s not hehe.

Let’s see... how about this song!
Iggy Pop - I am a Passenger

Bonus song that I’ve wanted to post
Silversun Pickups - Three Seed

Hey my friend, sorry for the late listen on this .. I've been at work all day and I've been trying to catch up on the tracks I missed last night. Great choices though my friend .. I love a bit of Iggy Pop .. I'm right at the front in the video below and I was also at the Stooges Glastonbury gig when he invited the whole crowd onto the stage .. the security guard's faces were a picture! lol So many memories wrapped up in your choice of track .. an absolute classic and definitely one of his best. Never heard Silversun Pickups .. but I'm loving the dream-like vibe of it, perfect track to stick on the headphones, rest my weary bones .. and drift away on a beautiful river of music. Excellent choices this week @cmplxty thank you for sharing my friend!

I was going to apologise for being firmly stuck in the 20th century but looking at the tracks posted this week, it seems we all are:)

Ha never apologise for having great music taste here my friend .. I'm a big fan of 20th-century music and funnily enough, I've yet to share a lot of my favorites. But onto your choice, never heard of these guys before .. but I'm loving the ska laced punky vibes, I love the attitude of this era and style .. they owned it! Excellent choice @deirdyweirdy .. thank you for the introduction and thank you for the music!

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