Music Monday (feel free to add your own music)

The aim is simple, to banish those Monday blues with an eclectic range of music chosen by Steemit friends both old and new.

Music Monday.jpg

Every Monday I intend to post a music video (and a few words explaining my choice) I invite you to join me by doing same in the comments section below. As the forum (hopefully) grows my aim is that we begin to inspire our fellow Steemians to broaden their musical horizons by listening to the music that inspires us. The only thing I ask is that (where possible) every song we listen to is played nice and loudly on headphones or speakers in order that we capture it’s true essence.

As more Steemians join this venture there is also going to be the possibility of being rewarded for our musical tastes via the amount of upvotes each song receives. That said please never feel awkward about posting a track, a guilty pleasure or even your own musical ventures. I have an extremely wide range of musical interests but also understand that music like beauty is very much in the eye of the beholder. As such I may play my chosen song, but who am I to define what constitutes good music.

I hope everyone is well has enjoyed a good weekend. So this week I decided on a slice of rock from a band that are completely and utterly nuts, but with their tongues planted firmly in their cheeks. Take some time out, stick the headphones on, expand the video screen and bear witness to the 70's throwbacks called The Vintage Caravan. I hope you enjoy.

This isn't about making me Steem so please save your upvotes and reward the songs that you feel are worthy, although equally if my song stands out to you then I'd appreciate the vote. Any resteems would be much appreciated, all are invited and welcomed to join us in sharing and listening to a diverse range of music.


Written by perceptualflaws
Song: Expand Your Mind
Band: The Vintage Caravan
Gifs courtesy of @justcallmemyth

Many thanks for taking the time and consideration to read this post. Any upvotes, follows and resteems are greatly appreciated. Follow @perceptualflaws



Morning Mate.
It’s been a while since I posted a classical piece for you.
This piece has been used in so many war films in recent years as it conveys a sense of horrific loss in a strangely beautiful way....

Samuel Barber - Adagio for strings.

Haunting or what!?

Hey my friend, Hope you're well .. sorry for the late listen on the beautiful work of art, but I'm having some serious issues with the phone/broadband at this new house. There is a fault on the line and they have to dig up the bloody road to get to it!! This involves having to go through the council planning office, so exactly when it'll be on is anybody's guess :( I'm loading this message from a mates house)

On a brighter note, this is just such a beautiful moving song .. you simply can't but be swept away on a river of emotion. Haunting indeed, and a fantastic choice of music my friend. Speak soon .. I hope! lol

Oh I have one post I've already written so I'll try and load that on tomorrow night and schedule another #musicmonday for next week as I doubt I'll be back online by then.

Urghh, as soon as you start dealing with council planning offices you know your life is turning to shit! 😂
Is there anything more irritating than petty low level government officials? Complete twats!
I hope you get sorted and settled in soon buddy, have you moved far?
Anyway mate I’m glad you enjoyed the music and I’ll try and come up with another classic either recent or classical next week.
Take care amigo.

A nice Monday to all...enjoy!

Hey my friend, happy Monday to you! :D What a brilliant track this is .. these guys grew up just down the road from me and they played a large part in my musical youth (pun intended). This was one of my go-to tracks for years (and I think its one of their best) so I'm thanking you for the re-introduction!

Excellent choice this week @palikari123 .. you never disappoint :D

Definitely one of the Cure's best. Love it.

yeah love this, definitely one of their best, got me dancing round my truck xx

One you maybe never heard before?

It makes me smile, happy Monday my friend, hope you got all that decorating done.

No I've not heard this before, but it's a great track my friend ... really nice uplifting vibe with an infectious energy, and some great harmonies thrown into the mix .. what's not to love? :) Thank for the heads up dude .. it won't be the last time I'll be listening to these guys!

Nah the work I need to do right away won't be finished for about three weeks , and it won't be fully finished for a few months .. (I'm going to take the last bit nice and easy .. all in good time) :D
Have a great week.

Every week a good week, and glad you are getting closer to the finish line.
I hope the good lady oh the house appreciates sirs efforts also.

Have a superb week too, right back at you.

Wow I was just refreshing one last time before I had to head to a client site and here is the Monday music post!

Maybe it is all the folks headed to STEEMfest, or the acoustic practicing I keep hearing the family doing upstairs, but I have had this song in my head all morning.

Definitely not new or obscure or very progressive but is is powerful when you really listen to it.

Did you exchange

A walk on part in the war

For a lead role in a cage?

I'm glad you caught us in time my friend and I'm equally glad that you come storming in with such a classic track! This has to be one of my favourite tracks of all time, I have so much emotion and memory woven into every chord and lyric of this song, that I find it impossible not to be moved by its magnificence!

Thank you for the music my friend .. I loved your choice this week. :)

Oh man certainly take a trip with me eh?! I think these guys take some points out of Floyd, Jefferson Airplane and others with their ..references. Visual and intended!

Can't think of a worthy related track for this one (besides Jefferson Airplane's Alice song, White Rabbit) but I wanted to drop this pretty awesome song I love listening to, popped on my Pandora a couple days ago and wanted to share it! I would've loved to put this song on your festival post last week but it's hard to remember so many of the awesome songs!

Jai Wolf - Indian Summer

Thanks my friend, I'm glad you enjoyed .. they certainly look like they're having fun :D

Equally, I really enjoyed your choice this week .. soothingly beautiful and equally palpably moving, a fine combination for sure. And no worries about slotting this in last week or finding a song that fits, you go under your own steem my friend. As always you pulled another blinder out of your magic music hat :)

Thank you for the music @cmplxty, I really enjoyed listening to this :)

The Clash's hybrid reggae-punk style at it's best.

Very nicely done my friend .. instantly reminding me of both times past and timeless nature of this great track! Effortless, smooth .. yet loads of attitude, love it. Thank you for the music .. really enjoyed this one @deirdyweirdy

Sort of a quiet work day out here on a cold but sunny Washington day. Been feeling this one today. I tend to turn to it when I need a dose of melancholy in my life.

Hey my friend, now this truly is a thing of beauty .. a dreamlike ethereal sound, with soothing but haunting overtones that speak to the soul and allow you to drift away on a beautiful river of music .. in short, great track @iamvileradio!!

Thank you for the music my friend, this was a listening pleasure.

Did that guy just lick a rabbit ? That was a question I didn't expect to ask today.

These guys are an absolute favourite of my son's, ironically I introduced him to him. They hail from around here and have stupid freaky film clips too. They release an album every year band of absolute classics. Hope you enjoy it.

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Hey @riverflows sorry for the late listen on this .. I must have just missed it before I went to bed. And yes the rabbit was a joke reference to the Colorado river toad that sweats DMT lol

Excellent choice my friend, love this track and I love King Grizzard .. I was only listening to hot wax the other day :) And the drummer sings in a band called the Murlocs .. space cadet is a great track of theirs.

Loving the whole vibe of this excellent track .. and the video is like some kind of 70's creature feature lol .. love it. Thank you for the music my friend this was a great track. Catch you soon, if I'm not about .. I'm in the middle of a big renovation and just waiting to have the electrics and phone line upgraded. Oh the joys lol

Ah sounds big. Yeah the Murlocs are from near us lol, so is the Gizz... love em... haha yep I got the rabbit DMT toad reference lol. It's kinda funnier as my boy has a pet rabbit. Kinda a house mascot.

You sound busy with the renovations, catch up when you can @perceptualflaws... just on way back from seeing Bill Bailey and my face hurts from laughing.

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Ah Bill Bailey .. one of our own! :D I'd love to see him live .. genius in his own right. I would say hope you had a good night .. but I know you will have, aching face aside lol

Ah it was so funny. Just hilarious listening to his piss take of the West country accent @perceptualflaws.. I.e the devil with a thick farmer accent. He is such a funny man. I've seen him twice now and my sister in law.. the one near Shepton Mallet sees him all the time when she can.

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And great all round piss takes of England.. you poor buggers.. lol xxx

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I finished another one for my protest album, My Guitars Are My Guns.
This is called, L.A.W.
Peace @perceptualflaws

i like the bass break.

There's nothing quite like Les Paul acid rock...And I should know:D (I've probably done more than anyone alive today....shhh​:)

Ah mate this is excellent, this new studio setup is awesome!! Such a great sound, I'm loving the whole vibe .. the bass, the awesome guitar solo! And some great lyrics you have there dude .. love it! You are seriously talented my friend .. excellent stuff!! I'm currently updating the electrics and phone line so I'm going to be on/off on here over the next few days .. but catch you soon my friend .. and as always thank you for the excellent music!

I Just Can't Help Believin' (With the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra). Nice work they did there. You cant go wrong with Elvis

Yes my friend, there are a lot of stars and a lot of very good singers .. but there will never be another Elvis :)? . I'm loving the work of the Philharmonic, they really compliment his voice :D .. Another great choice this week @hercdoukakis Thank you for the music.

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