Professional Music Community Roll-Call on Steem

in #musician8 years ago (edited)

Hey fellow musicians (and music lovers), I'm just trying to get the ball rolling to discuss the music we love, the bands and personalities who make it, when they're releasing new material, doing side-projects, touring etc. especially as it relates more directly to social media platforms, technology and the ever-changing landscape of creating, producing, recording, releasing and promoting music in the infancy of blockchains, and how to move forward.
It seems like this space is currently a bunch of Steem "How To's", Reposted news from other sites, Creepy introductions, Cryptocurrency freaks and make up tutorials...I'd love to be a catalyst and start a dialogue for what could be a great place for people to communicate about where the intersection of tech and music currently is, and where its going (or should go).
After spending the better part of the last two decades touring around the world (playing something most would call "math metal"), and having been bitten by the blockchain bug, I have a lot of ideas about what current issues blockchains, cryptocurrencies and smart contracts could potentially improve for musicians and their fans.
I see a lot of potential for touring bands to use blockchains to make getting paid for gigs around the world a lot easier, faster, and cheaper. I see potential for bitcoins (for example) to replace using apps like Square to sell your merch. I can see how technologies like MVD (Minimum Viable Data) could change how songwriters, producers, musicians etc. get paid when songs are played, or how to prevent unauthorized uploads of content by users on YouTube for example. I can see how relationships between musicians and the labels they have contracts with could benefit from smart contracts to insure payments and delivery of products. I would love to streamline some of these ideas into one platform.
I can also imagine how proprietary tokens created by bands could potentially change how bands interact with their fans in special ways, and how fans could potentially invest in the bands they like and crowd fund their projects - bypassing labels altogether (officially) - which would further decentralizing the whole industry (which I see as a good thing).
I'm aware of Imogen Heap starting some balls rolling using Ethereum and Mycellium to release a song and its stems on the blockchain...Beyond that, and some of the stuff Adam Levine has discussed with the Tokenly Music Project, I haven't heard any really exciting discussion about where this could benefit musicians.
I would enjoy discussing any of these topics on this thread, or in future threads...
Nothing is true, Everything is permitted...

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