有華人的地方就一定有的歌聲 The Moon Represents My Heart

in #musicchallenge7 years ago (edited)

It is said, in this world wherever there are Chinese, you can hear the songs from Teresa Teng. This is very true.PSX_20180111_121800.jpg

在1953年出生於台灣的鄧麗君,70/80年代紅遍亞洲,不但台灣,還包括中國大陸,日本,香港,馬來西亞,泰國等等。總之有華人的地方就一定聽到她的歌聲。 當年遠赴美英歐生活的華人,也會因為懷念家鄉而聽她的歌。年幼的我就是因為爸媽聽她的歌,而認識鄧麗君。鄧麗君歌聲甜美, 有"亞洲歌姬"之稱。而"月亮代表我的心"相信無論你喜愛她與否,都一定聽過。
Teresa Teng was born in Taiwan in 1953. The 70s and 80s was the pinnacle of her career。She was extremely popular in the whole of Asia, including not only in Taiwan, but also in China, Japan, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Thailand etc. For the many Chinese who travelled far afield in search for a better life, such as America, UK and Europe, they would often listen to her to songs when they were missing home. I grew up listening to Teresa Teng because my parents listened to her at home. Teresa's most famous song is undoubtedly The Moon Represents My Heart.

在80年代末90年代初,鄧麗君多在英國及法國旅居,在法國更認識了一位攝影師帥哥。 可惜天妒紅顏,在1995年他倆到泰國清邁旅行時,鄧麗君哮喘病發,英年早逝,當時她只有42歲。
In the late 80s and early 90s Teresa spent more time in UK and France. In France she met her new boyfriend, a handsome young photographer. In 1995 they went on holiday to Chiang Mai in Thailand, but sadly she had a severe asthma attack and died. She was only 42.

A few years ago Bon Jovi did a rendition of her famous song "The Moon Represents My Heart". For a rock singer who doesn't know Chinese, I think his version brings out another side of this beautiful song. Here is his cover version. Which version do you like better? Drop me a comment.

如果你有喜歡的歌想分享,也請來參加 @kona 舉辦的


If you have a favourite song that you would like to share, you can take part in Your favourite song music challenge organised by @kona.


居然還有Bon Jovi的版本,好有趣!雖然Bon Jovi的歌喉不錯,可是總有種未搔到癢處的感覺。

這應該是他 2015來台灣演唱會時打算唱的歌,結果因為颱風關係演唱會要取消

今早在廣播聽到Michael Jackson的歌曲,總讓人對這種人已逝聲猶在興起些許感傷~想當年張雨生倏然過世,哭個半死~☹️


bonjovi music is evergreen hit

Just like what @buckydurddle said let music be in your body and soul. Feel the rhythm. Nice post there

邓丽君的 甜蜜蜜 封神




妹,你很年輕喔,也聽過? 🤗

我妈妈老喜欢唱邓丽君的歌(・ω< )★







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