Tower Record & Gibson Brand

in #musical7 years ago

My facorite store when i was a teen buy cds lots of cds tower records was amazing and Gibson guitars are the best i was just passing by took me good 30min to take this shot of tower records historical building came our nice sad its been more then 10 years tower records closed


#Nostalgic bro #indeed. Thank you for sharing this.

#Record #stores are now historical landmarks the likes of museums.

Although there are still very very few around and with record players becoming popular again among some it has helped to keep the ACTUAL record business alive which in itself is a miracle in the digital age.

I can't wait to see what the future holds for these old sites and what the new generation of crypto builders will think of next.

Can there exist online music engines like #OPUS in the future alongside any physical locations to buy music?

Or will the future bring a reality where ALL music is mainly produced digitally and consumed only and mainly in that fashion as it ALREADY is.

I can't believe your Tower Records pic made me think about the future so deeply but then again, that is what picture should be able to do, capture imagination and make you #think 🤔 😉

Thank you for following me @gclipse!

I look forward to fellowshipping with you here on #SteemIt!


A great capture of both, memories and the present time!! Nice pic!!
Thanks for following, @gclipse!!

Happy libations!!! :)

Oh, that's great my friend! I'm glad! Happy libations! Evoé!!!

Brother @bromius may I propose one of your gifts of fine #wine for this Alaskan and our friend @gclipse that hath us all reminiscing about the ancient Towers of Records in the Land of the Angeles please!

I readeth about your many gifts like thine fine wine thou bestoweth upon mere mortals that wisheth to celebrate such posts as the one we here find ourselves.

Thank you in advance and many cheers 🥂 😂

Your wishes my command, My dearest from the Humankind!!
Listen to me, I promise!!
I'll do my research, put my maenads into work and for the Gods we will bring you your gifts!! In the meanwhile, @SomeAlaskaGuy, my Fire vessel, my most powerful wine!!

Hey thanks for following back! Anything news to post?

I have upvoted and re steemed you , please upvote me and resteem ...thanks

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