Music Video: On your Wings (The Ravens Incantation) an Improvisation composed in Nature along with guest crows

in #music5 years ago (edited)
Relax with a little magical musical Incantation along with the Ravens... Filmed 9/2/2019 in Zuriza (Spain)

Trying my Christmas present: My A key tin whistle

On your wings. The Ravens Incantation - by priscilla Hernandez (

The flute I'm playing was my self Christmas present, an alto Irish tin Whistle in A key with an extra G hole. The maker is Shearwater Whistles and though an affordable brand I was quite pleased with the result. I bought if for myself on Christmas though I had to wait for it to be done. I finally could film this video a couple of weeks ago.

On your wings. The Ravens Incantation - by priscilla Hernandez (

Location and Recording

Location is Zuriza (Spain, close to France border) barely a few weeks ago... It's incredible how weather can change so drastically, it was all wintry white and now leaves and blooms are unfurling. The footage was filmed using a brand new toy, a handheld stabilized camera (Osmo Pocket) who was gifted to me by @hedac to do more vlogs (yes, yes I know, I must do more!!). So it had snowed a LOT and I had not snowshoes so I'm not moving much becuase I would sink on half a meter of fluffy snow.

I'm wearing my hat from my friends El Costurero Real, self knitted mittens and a coat gifted by my friend Wui. It's not leather but fabric and faux fur.

On your wings. The Ravens Incantation - by priscilla Hernandez (

The crows and raven sounds were really recorded in place too, they are not an fx added. We used a portable Zoom recorder. The audio is not from the Osmo Pocket camera itself. A second round of flute was recorded to make a duet. Other than that there is only a supporter drone which is a mix of sounds in the studio, including one pad made out of the recorded voice of one of my fufunchis (Ritva, my rat) which sounds New-Age but comes from the sampled squeaks of my rat (now gone) I have the instrument of their voices so they can be part of my music.

When a melody knocks twice

This kind of recordings I play without thinking, I just flow but though I was not aware at the moment, browsing my archive of recordings of this kind I found another of mine (two years ago) that was very similar... I had forgotten about that melody entirely and without realizing I played it again... I always say if somethig knocks twice maybe it's time to write it down formally and make it a song on its own right... what do you think?

On your wings. The Ravens Incantation - by priscilla Hernandez (


Above, Ritva, an angel now, but her voice is featured as part of the humming drone all through the tune

About the "Incantations" project


Incantations is a little project I have recording outdoors. They are usually short and improvised, most of the melodies are done in the spot inspired by the place. Thus this one was called "On your Wings, the Ravens Incantation" because the crows and ravens were hovering above me while chanting. Curious thing is that as I mentioned the melody has come to me for the second time though I was unaware at the moment I found out watching previous recordings like these. The Incantations are made as a way to channel Nature, they are usually born of the moent. I hope some of them will become songs in their own right one day. In a way it is like the birth of a possible song in the simplest way, just letting myself flow and be inspired by my surroundings while I ground in the woods.

Above an image of the previous Incantation (Over the Clouds) which went viral uncredited :(

I am wearing again my hat from El Costurero Real and the reason why is because one of the previous Incantations went viral several times but stolen, cutting my credit and watermark out of the video and without even mentioning me. With over 4 million plays scattered among a few groups and countless of shares on facebook, I stumbled upon my own video without my name on it. I will make maybe a post about it. Some of those groups even asked for money to restore my name to my "stolen" video. But I could prove it was mine and some were finally blocked. Still as in the previous one I was in in silhouette, I decided to do a similar one wearing the witch hat but this time showing my face. Let's see what happens this time, but I am encouraged to continue these series of short and sweet compositions outdoors.

I have created a playlist on my youtube channel with the Incantations and recordings in Nature

And this was the video that circulated out without control (if you ever stumble upon it)

Filming a new one as soon as the leaves unfold... but shifting my colours into green... what do you think? Spring is drawing near and a new Incantation along with it

The Green witch - by Priscilla Hernandez (


Priscilla Hernandez
singer-songwriter & illustrator



Once again - Bowled Over!!!

PS: Your stuff here is something that I want to show off to other non-steemeians :-)

aww thanks, and glad you spread the word, I try my best, this was some weeks ago, now it's all shifting into Spring!

Wow @yidneth ...just WOW.

This is TRANSCENDENT and I have watched it about five times in a row before making this comment. I might have to make a piece of art just inspired by the sound and imagery. If I do I'll be sure to let you know.

This is when I LOVE steemit and internet living, finding people and talent that we'd never have known of, so wonderful.

Well, time to listen again, I might have to play it on a loop whilst sketching today :)

And the winner to most encouraging comment is ... LOL
Thanks so much, and if it inspires to draw something I'm absolutely delighted it brings you a safe creative space to create. Thanks so much, blessings!

What a beautiful and lovely melody, when the flute starts, it transfers me to a fantasy land and your ethereal voice even more so. You look just like the part as well, earth witch :).
Excellent in all aspects, Pris ^_^.

Aww I really hike with the hat and I was wearing my normal clothes, the coat is thrifted and gifted by a friend, the flute was my self gift for Xmas so I was dying to try it, It's a reply to the previous incantation (at the end of the post) and that one has been a bittersweet experience as it has more than 4 million plays on stolen accounts with me credit removed, I've had headaches to have some blocked, sigh! so this time I wanted my face to show so people that stumble with the first on facebook or wherever can gather the dots. Thank you, I will do another when the leaves unfold but with my green hat! :)

You amaze me always.
Luv luv luv... luv you!

awww I love you back, see black birdies flying away into the hollow skies! :) hahah I recorded their caws really there

This is magical - I love the incantations concept - it's very touch and interesting to keep them 'short and sweet' - I can totally link them to the shots of the environment. They are magical as well :-)

(Sorry about the stealing, all us artists have to deal with if from time to time unfortunately :-/ Good thinking to include your face in the shots this time!)

Sigh, yes, well it has happened twice, both time spiralled out of control, sadly the video taht got viral ahd cropped my credits so from time to time it emerges without it, the new one probably will be seen only by a few, but at least it's on my site, credited, and with my face on it in case someone stumbles to find me. Thank you it was all filmed with a new small camera that @hedac gifted me on xmas, good thing is that it films very stable and I can bring it always on my hikes .)

Hello @yidneth, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Thank you so much for the appreciation

mystical and fantastic music, I congratulate you friend you are the maximum, greetings.

Thank you for the compliment. Really honoured you liked it.

Enjoy.Every one of your works is very creative, you amaze me again.

I'm really glad you liked it and thanks for the compliment!

So beautiful. Thank you for blessing us with your magic. ((hugs))


This post has been manually curated, resteemed
and gifted with some virtually delicious cake
from the @helpiecake curation team!

Much love to you from all of us at @helpie!
Keep up the great work!

Oh nom nom nom nom!

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