Painting/Drawing music (current top 5 choices)

in #music6 years ago

In my experience with painting and drawing, good music and a cup of coffee go a long way. I thought I would make a post sharing some of my all time favorite music to paint to, in hopes that it might help someone get in to their creative flow. Please share some of your own favorite music as well. I am always looking for more recommendations :)

#1 Homeshake

Ever heard of Homeshake? I hadn't ether until my roomate started playing one of their songs while we were tripping balls on mushrooms. I find a certain somber surreal vibe in their music that just makes me want to fling paint at a canvas whenever one of their songs come on.

#2 Mild High Club

Another band that just oozes creative vibes for me. Lets call it Psychedelic Jazz.

#3 Elan Noon

If you like a little melancholy with your morning coffee this underground artist is for you. I find it easier to paint if i'm a little sad and this guy will differently get you there. Sadly, he only has one album and its painfully short, still its worth a listen

#4 Andy Shauf"

His music videos alone might spark some creativity in you. He finds a way to blend classical instruments with neo hippie vibes and it all comes together beautifully.

#5 King Krule

Sometimes it's more poetry than singing. He's definitely not for everyone. It took me a few listens before I began to appreciate his style. Now I can't get enough. He reminds me of Bob Dylan in a way, In the sense that his voice grows on you over time. I feel that he is still worth a listen.

Well that's all for now. These are just a few artists that I have been listening to this year. If you have similar tastes please share some music that you find that bolsters your creativity. I'm always looking for new music to paint to.

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I often need to find a balance. To complicated and interesting music can trump my concentration so i listen instead of painting. I have also heard podcasts and books, but they need to be simple.

Podcasts are definitely nice too.

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