
I like how you capitalize that as if it's some official title and not just something your sociopathic mind invented to justify being a bully and a general piece of shit on this platform.

@booster and @fyrstikken you might want to be a bit more selective to whom you lease SP ...

Thank you for your opinion @ancapbarbie

So bloody what! How does that change the worth of your content! Or was that a futile attempt to intimidate me ? Because I have nothing to fear my stuff is all mine LOL!

I wasnt talking about the worth of content at the post you come from, what was being discussed is a case of serial plagiarism, nothing to do with content quality..

And if you pay attention, the payout of this post is declined

AGAIN my dense friend the worth of content is the life blood of the Steemit community. The lowest of the low are plagiarisers, then come shitposts that swamp the feed and slowly kill the platform. Both are equally toxic and morally the second is just a smidgen over the plagiariser. You come in here acting like Joan of Arc holy battle virgin and then we find out you are a 5$ street worker who sells himself and the platform we love for scraps. It is ridiculous! And again his post is more relevant than anything I have seen you do, it is original and all his. So you went there why ? Because you are jealous because he has moved away from being a smuck and is actually doing something great?! You are just salty ... if he plagiarises go after him , i would even support that but what you did is just a tantrum to make yourself feel better ... you need therapy ...

Thank you for your opinion.

you are so welcome ...BTW. just found out you are not a cleaner! You are nothing with Steemcleaners so please tell me why anyone should take you seriously if you lie about things like that ?!

I never said I Im a SteemCleaner, I said Im a cleaner, there are many cleaning initiatives besides SC.

Just found out you are not, i am starting to think you might be an inmate of some facility ...

Just found out Im not what?

With steem cleaners .... just stop already you are making yourself look silly

I never said I was with SteemCleaners, show me where I said that.....
I said Im a Cleaner, Im actually one of the oldest cleaners of the platform and there are many cleaning initiatives besides SC, get a clue please.


LOL! ok then. Such a fragile ego are you part of the justice league too ? Or wait your darkwing duck :D You can declare yourself to be anything you want dear-King of Waldenasia has a nice ring ... but then no matter what you call yourself it does not make your posts worth any more and it also does not make me respect you more ... Sad little boy in tights get a life ...Improve your content, supply worth by your own merit instead of acting like a love sick chihuahua ...

It is not about the payout alone shitposts flood the platform and drown out worthy content ! And googled you and look what I found:


Thank you for your opinion Tyger,
Im loving the meme!!!
Although you got the White CIS male part wrong,
I sexually identify as a SU-57 and my beard is pistachio and red

Do we need attention? Or why the alteration of your comment a day later ? Have a cookie ....

we can edit comments, didnt you know?
is that a vegan cookie? did I mention Im vegan?
I really love chicken, but Im vegan yes.

Yup you def. needs some meds ;) It is about how you felt you needed to edit it now :) Obviously you are lonely however I tire of this bland and unintelligent conversation ... I fear you will have to find someone else to play with for now. Shoo shoo little troll back under your rock :D

You see? I wore you down ;)

PS. Im gonna make a charity post for the meds.

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