Introducing the official Music Community on Steem

in #music4 years ago (edited)

Join us if you are a fan of music, musician, DJ or creator of quality stories around music

Since communities are officially live now a litte signal to all you music addicts to join forces. Let us build a great community of music lovers. I was waiting for communities since I started on Steem back in 2016 - music is my main area of private interest given my past as a DJ. I am not a musician even I learned playing organ, but I am a community person that appreciates music topics in general. Since I am here I tried to initiated several music tags and initiatives such as:

  • RockClassics
  • DanceWeekend

Feel free to subscribe here: or here (depending on the front end you use):


The Music community was created for all addicts of great tunes. Aim is to bring together anyone that loves music as well as professional producers, artists, DJs and music businesses.

  • Create posts that drive engagement around music and enrich the community
  • Post stories around Music
  • Show your original music or sets

We appreciate any party environment and contests that encourages the community to interact. We are happy to read and listen to all music genres.

As you can read below my #Danceweekend is quite old already - hope we can create a lot more together as a community! First a shoutout to some music heros on this blockchain!

If I missed anyone in the list let me know. Also let me know when people are still included that already left our community or chain!

Check the other music heroes and experts below!

The following guys are either driving music, organising music or actually are musicians, DJs, producers or simply lovers or supporters of it. By purpose I did not segment them via their genre or actually role for music. I also did not rank them by any personal favour - there might be even some people I have no or not the best relationship with, but the overall community thinking is more or less the one that should count here!

Check these guys out and follow them if you feel their content or what they share is relevant your gut feel. And let me know who I forgot - probably hundreds of great music folks here I hope - add them in comments - I would like to be connected with anyone that loves and does music!

Edit: @muelli reminded me about #sundayclassics a tag with punk rock on a Sunday - worth to check!

@edje aka @qsounds

Why we need a variety of music styles?

Steemit is a global platform where every user has the potential to say, show, play, present, write what they want to in a de-centralized way. So let us combine forces and see the positive potential here and avoid getting into small childish flag wars or discussions. Agreed?

The Music Community on Steemit is ready to rock, rumble, dance and pump the world!

To add some more common music more people know two my favourite songs per genre according to Metal and Techno - listen to Suicidal Tendencies and DJ Hooligan and tell if these styles fit together or not!?

Back to Dance Weekend on Steem


Over Three Years Dance Weekend on the Steem Blockchain

I am too stupid to find out the exact date of the first Dance Weekend I started on this lovely blockchain - but three years are a small milestone for me here. At the beginning I was trying to start Live DJ events on-chain but this was a bit difficult. See the first Dance Weekend post at the end of the post.

Perfect track to start a DJ set (Trance)

This tune here is a classic I first heard DJ Dag (from Frankfurt) playing - love that sound, ideal start for a great dance evening, followed by one of my favourite 90ies Techno Tracks - good old times. Feel free to comment if you are interested in more of such sounds moving forward either here or directly in the new music hivemind community.

During my music tryouts here we saw a lot happening on the blockchain, several hard forks, people come and go - the last months have been very encouraging with developments such as Mira, progress on SMTs and hivemind (communities). I am confident we will see a great future for this chain with all the great DApps working. The masses will come and all of us being here now will benefit.

Here the announced first Dance Weekend post

Please check the link and especially the comment section - it was fun and I would to have more or at least similar engagement here on posts around music. Steem on!

Steemians, can we move our body assets to some music? Come on it is weekend and we should dance bit.

From various posts you might know I used to work as a DJ in the Techno space but we can also have some fun wth different other Dance Tunes I hope? Hard to play DJ sets on such a platform, the engagement is not the same as on set but let us move our old bones a bit. If you like various style from 80ies until now please consider to pump up the volume of your laptop speakers :-)

Let's get started with some Discotheque tunes from Sweden, Alcazar (2000)

ATC - project from Germany with dancers from the UK - commercial tunes but ok to dance, right? (2000)

Faithless, Insomnia from the lovely UK (1996)

Robert Miles, Children from Italy (1995)

Snap, Rhythm is a Dancer from Germany (1992)

Visage, Fade to Grey from the UK (1981)

If you like some of this feel free to post some great tunes using tag #danceweekend and #music - if you hate this feel free to comment with "Bollocks or "Stop this" but i will still post my music lol

Entry photo source Pixabay - Free for commercial use


Much Respect to all u do, always shaking those blocks and spreading that dope music!

I love music. I'm a big music lover and I will post sometimes how I sing karaoke.

@tipu curate

very nice intro indeed!. I guess I’ll have to do something similar for the Electronic Music Community :)

Thx mate - feel free to use some content and let us create a community friendship, especially as I come from electronic music too. Damn I forgot to post in my own community 😎

So @uwelang, I don't see a tag or hash or name for this "community"
Is there a discord server/channel for it?

I've been playing piano 53 yrs, guitar for 49. I don't have any original TUNES, but I've plenty of original videos of me covering other songs and artists.

What am I missing here?

The links to join are in the post, what frontend are you using?

No Discord yet (not planned either due to time constraints). Your backgrounds sounds awesome!

I didn't see any links that said
"Music Community". I normally use either steemit or Steempeak

hmm - click here and let me know if you see the button:

Danke @city-of-dresden und hallo @xoxoch - kommst Du :-) - bei Fragen, einfach fragen

Music is my passion, music is my only drug!

Thanks my friend - you produce that passion I love.

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As you may have noticed, my focus is on the less commercial genres, may that be old or new productions.
My own stuff is parhaps a bit too far out, so I rather post something exceptional when I find it on YT or elsewhere. I think its more useful than widely known tracks.
What I stil trying to figure out is, how to post something in several communities at the same time. A hint perhaps?

Sounds like a good plan - posting in several communities same time is not possible as far as I know, you have to sue the steempeak cross-posting feature to do so.

So very cool how you and music have been having a love affair all of your life!!! It's going to be an awesome community!

Upped and Steemed


Fingers crossed - time is the issue at the moment but I will do what I can :-). Thanks Denise

🎁 Hi @uwelang! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

Check out @dswigle blog here and follow if you like the content :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

Thanks for the pointer! I just joined ;)

Yeah, excellent!!!

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