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RE: Up early, can't sleep, watching NITV. I discovered Ruby Hunter.

in #music7 years ago

Thank you for putting this video together, it's so important not to forget what happened to and is still happening to so many native Australians, for too long they have been suffering and been persecuted. I lived for three years in Australia and was shocked by what I saw, the open disrespect that is shown towards them is appalling. Their culture and way of life is slowing being taken from them. It is only in the last 9 years that they started to teach children about aboriginal history in schools, before that the history been taught started with Captain Cook arriving there. Thanks again @girlbeforemirror


Australians don't like the truth. It is weaved into everything and has to be named to be addressed.
Living in Sydney it is easy to not see, to close your eyes. When I moved to western Australia I worked in health services and met people from all over the state. The division is shocking. Adjacent worlds.
I wrote a kind of related post today. Unintentionally related when I did some research.

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