Where are our North American Steemians at!? We're on TOUR!

in #music6 years ago

In just THREE short hours we will catch a flight from Berlin to Chicago. For the last two months we have been on a break, recharging the batteries before embarking on our first big tour of 2019. Each one of us was able to spend a bit of time with friends and loved ones, and I (Bennet) was able to do a good bit of traveling in North Africa with Stefanie (@lalalopophotography here on STEEMIT). Now We're BACK and ready to hit the road again.

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Last year we spent two months in North America, spanning the eastern half of the continent. It was such a success, that we felt we had to come back as soon as we could, but this time head west. We have 27 shows and will spend a few days shooting videos in western landscapes. You can expect to see a lot of great videos and photos from us here on steemit over the next two months.

Are you living somewhere on the western half of North America? We might passing through a town near you! Here are the dates:

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STEEMIANS, it would be a real pleasure to meet some of you at a concert! You can get all the information about the shows through our website: http://www.thetroublenotes.com/events

Here is one of our latest videos of the song "Grand Masquerade" filmed in France.


Damn, none near me on the east coast. Really nice song though and set location. That's a new style for my ears. Such a diverse mix of influences in there.

Thanks man. Yea bummer we did a few shows on the east coast last year!

oh my your music is divine. please come to Nyack sometime!

And I see I am going to just miss you in Nashville! oh!

when will you be in Nashville @owasco?

Toward the end of March. I'd fly down there this weekend to catch you guys but I have a wedding. I'm hoping to get my daughter in Nashville to your show.

Nyack, NY? What a quaint little town! We hope to make it there on our next tour 😁

Oh my that would float my boat! Check out Maureen's Jazz Cellar. It's a phenomenal club. Small, but I would be in heaven if I could hear you guys there.

I'm in Astoria, two hours from Portland. Perhaps, I'll make the show or you'd like to visit here for some amazing video backdrop?

That is awesome! Yes, we will be for the first time in Portland and will definitely be shooting some nature videos. Astoria looks beautiful!!!

Glad you guys enjoyed your break. Nice to see you back. Love the tune. The shoot's location was great, as was the editting. Your tour takes in the opposite coast from my location. Missed my chance with Montreal last year. 😎

Hello from San Diego! I will try to make it to your earlier LA show.

Posted using Partiko Android

Enjoyed your song.

I'm in America, but on the east coast. This is the first time I have known of you and look forward to checking out some of your other music.

Good luck !..... hope your tour turns out to be all you need it to be.

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