
That's where I get stuck. I find the piano pretty well explained up to the point where you know all the chords and inversions and then I flail around hoping that what I do sounds okay. I figure you're quite a bit past that!

Inversions-- I've heard of those. Ok, I don't know all of the chords, and can barely read music, so I think you are way ahead of me there!

I think the big test is performing in public. You have me beat.

When at home, I practice for live audiences by using a metronome or steady click to play along with. It's good practice, while also it somehow simulates the anxieties of the stage, like 'the show must go on' with it's relentless presence and call for perfection. My worst critic (me) is always there for rehearsals, especially when the metronome is on, and I get better at appeasing that critic!

As a child, I didn't have a metronome. Returning to piano lessons 2-1/2 years ago, you can bet I'm using it now!

When I was learning to play, I had a little Casio keyboard with the little keys, which had built in drum beats that I played along with. It forced me to practice longer, as when I wanted a break, it kept going, "one more time!"

I learned on an old acoustic piano. Even my digital one is pretty plain since I wanted a piano and not a computer. There are zero built-in rhythms, forcing me to do that part too. And unlike the acoustic one, which I still have, at least it's always in tune! I have backing tracks to play with and the riff station App was great for practising chords. But when it comes to playing with others, I'm still new to it.

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