Behold- I Live!

in #music6 years ago

Last week, I was quite a bit younger than I am now.


Last week, I saw no problem with lifting a heavy amplifier from the ground onto a trailer that was about 5 feet tall, because, as I like to tell people who offer their help, I'm stronger than I look!


Yeah, that was last Friday evening, when I put that amp and a piano up on that cursed trailer, played a few songs, and then loaded it all back into the car. Pretty routine effort for a musician I suppose, but the next day (my birthday!) I was utterly incapacitated, as I had twoinked part of my skeletal structure out of alignment during my manly amp-lifting exhibit.

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Twist and Shout

Most of my last 5 days were spent on the floor doing yoga, twisting and shouting, groaning, cursing and whining. Today, my back is finally fixed. The feverish tossing and agony that I got for my birthday is behind me now, a foul memory at best.

Now I can form complete sentences in my head, and now I can sit in a chair, type, laugh, cough, and smile. I live again.

In case anyone was wondering where I've been for the last week, now you know. I was here, but was unable to participate much, since sitting down to write sentences was too painful.

This short post is a testament to how much better I am today, and I'll be finishing an article that I started last week before my injury here in the next day or so.

It's Good To Be Back!


thanks for looking in!

Click @therealpaul for more


That's what kids are for, especially sons.

My father's always had me lift his amp with him. I insisted when I was a kid(wanted to prove my strength, even though he was just making a show of letting me help), and now it's just nice to lend a hand when I'm around.

He still doesn't trust me with his acoustic bass though. Figures.

Maybe I do need some new kids. Wait... there has to be a better way.

The new amps that they make these days weigh no more than a vacuum cleaner, I think I'll be trading in soon. Meanwhile, I might just enjoy playing something safer, like a harmonica.

We are glad to have you back! There is always a positive outlook, its is good it was not a kidney stone!

Yes I'm happy to report that there were no kidney stones to crush me!

So glad you're on the mend. Hate when that stuff happens. It's so easy to just grab something not thinking, and 'yonk', your out of wack. Nice you can yoga and stretch yourself back to daily life. I know just sitting in this goofy chair in front of the computer for too long can cause pain in the hips and back. I use a timer to tell me "hey dummy, get up. Quit sitting for hours at a time." Protect thyself from thyselves habits of the absurd.

Hope you can one day get a liftable amp, or stick to that harmonica, I read about those somewhere down below.

I just spent the weekend lifting and hauling the old amp again, but I was sloooow. I've been doing the yoga twists regularly, it will probably become a daily thing as a preventative. Like a chiropractor will hold down one shoulder, then turn that raised knee gently the opposite way over the other leg, I was taught a way to do that to my own back. I call it the 'twist and shout', but it's not to be confused with the dance or anything fun or enjoyable of the same name.

Age is but a number but HAPPY BIRTHDAY Paul! It was too cold last week to take the baby to that Children's Halloween thing. When is your next gig in town with Mudhawk? Any gigs coming up?

That children's halloween thing was the gig that twoinked my back! Yeah it was too cold there for me too, but lots warmer than last year. Mudhawk is doing the George's happy hour on Friday the 16th, we start in the front room right at 7 PM.

I punched myself with a coffee mug because I felt something crawling on my elbow, mid sip. It turned out be a stray hair just doing hairy things I guess. I had a fat lip for a couple days. I just told people I got in a fight and said, "You should have seen the other guy."

The fight story sounds better, even if there had been a real paralyzing Canadian death spider on your elbow, and especially since I just made that spider up. A fist-fight is always a crowd pleaser.

There was another time, long ago, I was drunk with friends and we were doing UFC in the kitchen. I got thrown into a cupboard, for fun, knocked a tooth out. I had to tell the guys at work a coffee cup did it.

... but you should've seen the coffee cup, eh? (did I spell that right, or is it just 'a'?)

Eh. It's eh. In the west many say 'hey' instead of 'eh'. Out east the 'eh' sounds more like 'ah' because of the French accents.

Glad to have you back, brother! Oh and a belated happy birthday to you! Lay off on amp-lifting for a while. We already know you can do that and a bunch of other manly stuff so you don't have to prove anything further. I'm just happy you're in good health once again!

Happy to be back at last, and thank you for the birthday wish! 58, it's my new personal best endurance score. This amp is old, like from the 90s, these days they make smaller, LIGHTER amplifiers, they sound good in more ways than one.

New is always better, but the classics are always better-er. I dare you to go the whole hundred!

I still plan on living to be at least 140, it's maybe just going to take longer to get there than I had figured. Like time flies when you're having fun, time slows way down when yer not. No seriously, I'm so much better today than last week, I just loaded that amp back into the car for a gig, by myself. Things are looking up!

Wayhay! Hooray for little wins! 140 it is!

glad you're better! It's tough getting old...half our time must be spent doing basic re-hab-type excercises just to keep from straining ourselves while standing/sitting/walking/laughing/lifting amps/etc!

That is the truth! An old friend of mine said (a few years ago) that at 'our' age we pretty much have to do yoga to maintain the old chassis. But as I heard Clif High say recently, "Getting old is not for wimps!"

I"ll look up Clif High, but great line...I'm going to use it!

Sounds like you forgot the Cardinal rule of #oldguyheriocs .... Safety First..

Part of my mistake was my refusal to think of myself as an old guy, but reality is starting to be more acute than such fantasies!

Realization the official beginning of old age

Sounds quite painful. Glad you're feeling better. Getting older sucks. I severely pulled a muscle in my neck stretching in bed. I had to wear a neck brace for three days because of
...stretching... in... bed...
It was ridiculous.
I can see how yoga would be beneficial now lol.
You might have to start limbering up before lifting your equipment or start accepting that help from others :)

Stretching in bed, who knew the dangers?
I think I'll start asking for help with the equipment in the future, even if I'm limbered up!

I went through some incapacitating moments myself about a month and a half ago. My wife had gone with the neighbors to fill up two 5 gal jugs and as I was walking them back to the house, a nice long driveway about 150 yards, I put them down to rest and I jerked to lift them up, then it had begun. My tailbone had me in bed and whining for a week but somehow after a lot of twisting and bending my whole back straightened and I can pop almost all my vertebrates by twisting or bending side to side without pain, basically fixing my bad upper back/shoulder pain I've had since my teens, now I can bring my shoulder blades together and "adjust" with 5 or 6 pops whenever I have discomfort. I pledge never, ever to compromise my back over menial tasks and to always remember to lift with mah LEGS!

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It is a painful lesson, but it's the same for me; the injury has taught me how to twist it back together, and the yoga that I have to do to solve it is something that I need to be doing anyway. I'm finally so old that I'll need to do some sort of yoga every day now as a preventative, if I can remember to stick with it. I think I'll remember now! This last twoink was especially brutal, I mean to stay limber from now on.

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