Introduction to singing: Breathing not to die // N ° 3

in #music4 years ago

In the previous article (Singing is similar to speaking), he mentioned the three physical devices that are in the body used in singing. And that they are the same ones that are used to speak. Now, a good question would be: Which of the devices is more important when singing? The best answer would be everyone. Well, you have to understand that without air there is no sound, without the vocal cords and only air there is no sound, and without resonators that sound will not go anywhere. I cannot impose importance on one or the other, because they work together as if they were one. They all create the voice.

At this point you will say: How do I develop the ability to sing using all of them as drunk? Well, studying it separately. Each of them can be attacked, to put it one way, in different ways. Because each one has its mechanism and its function. Therefore, you have to start at the base of sound, and that is air; in the case of the singer, breathing.

Breathe or die

Breathing is vital for the singer. Beyond that without air there is no sound, breathing allows you to reach high or low notes with greater fluidity and efficiency. At the same time, the singer will manage to hold the note for a longer or shorter time, depending on the case. Helps achieve fine tuning, projection and strength in the voice. Simply put, breathe or die.

You may feel a little exaggerated, but the problems that bad breath can cause are seldom discussed. In addition to the fact that you are going to sound fatal when you sing, you have to understand that by not breathing well what you will do is look for the strength in the throat and the vocal cords to produce all the sound. Which can cause an injury to the vocal cords and leaving us unable to sing.

Avoiding death

How to know that I am breathing well? Well, the simplest way is to feel your abdomen swell when you breathe. The quickest test is to place one hand on your chest and one on your abdomen. If your chest rises without your abdomen doing so, it means that you are breathing with the upper part of your lungs, without using the diaphragm. Now, if the opposite happens, it means that you are breathing properly; using the diaphragm.

Well, how can I avoid death as a singer? Breathing deep and deep. It should be felt that the oxygen, when breathing, goes down to the lower part of the lungs, feeling an expansion of the ribs. If there is ever a slight pressure or feeling that there is too much air in the body, it is normal. Especially if you are not used to taking deep breaths. This is the first step in learning to breathe correctly in singing. Doing deep breathing exercises, in a conscious and controlled way.

Breathing tips

- A large amount of air is not necessary to sing. Rather, we must learn to save oxygen. Most of the breathing exercises are very similar to the one I just indicated just now. Deep, controlled breaths. Its purpose is to activate and strengthen the diaphragm. Therefore, in rehearsals, it is necessary to mark in some way on the score or the singing sheet at what time you should breathe. Singing scores are usually marked with a small comma or apostrophe; this is a good way of marking.

- The more air you take does not mean greater power in the voice. Be careful with this. When we want to sing louder or reach a high note, we unconsciously take in a greater amount of air believing that this will achieve the objective. But it turns out that this only causes the voice to be veiled or in other cases we do not reach the note, detuning or soaking the note.

- Security and control is very important. No matter what there is to be safe when we breathe and enough control to know when and how much air to release. Well, otherwise we will lose strength, voice quality, and tuning. Do not release all the air on the first note or retain more air for the final notes. That jeopardizes everything.

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