Dreaming in Technicolor. Fresh New Music.

in #music7 years ago


This song flowed through me, I was channeling some kind of deluxe psychedelic inter-dimensional being of sound. Everything just fell into place.

Maybe it was just a state of intoxicated FLOW, I'll never know.

Whatever it was, I really hope you listen, it is my favorite creation so far.

Love you Steemit, Steem on Baby.

Dreaming in Technicolor

Drones, psyche guitar and low end harmonies flow into a rythym of junk and rolling basslines,

The vocals are smiling, you can hear them smiling, the bass and junk flow perfectly downstream,

then a sitar and birds come together to create this wall of sound, until...

The end.


I love the creativity and progression of it, the natural sounds, smiling voices (DEFINITELY!), smooth bass line and a persistent feeling of playfulness. I love it, thanks a lot for sharing, namaste :)

Hey, thank you for listening and your kind words. Thanks for the love, namaste :)

Woo! I liked this song. Good vibes really ;)

Thank you Lisa, much lovewaves.


Very cool stuff, very relaxing, very psych. Loving those 60s folk vibes.
What did you make it on?

Thank you, I used Reason 4 haha and some loops off of looperman.

Thanks for the listen.

This music is very experimental. I like that. I'm now following to see what more you make.

If you like Mozart take a look at my new post about playing music by ear! https://steemit.com/music/@playitforward/amadeus-play-it-by-ear-and-play-it-forward

can make one forget his sorrows

Whoa epic comment, thank you. Infinite lovewaves.

keep steeming

That was beautiful! Really lovely. Just added to my favourites ;-)

Mister Akpan! Thanks so much for listening man, glad you liked it my friend :)

You know the most about sound, buddy. I loved it!

This is sweet, you making a full album? I would definitely put it on my playlist!

Awesome, thanks for the listen. An album would be dope :) Infinte Lovewaves would be the title ha

Soon lol

I really enjoyed that tune! It has a nice groove, upbeat yet relaxing.
I added you to my follow list on soundcloud.

Awesome! Thank you for listening, much lovewaves :)

A few really nice sounds, thanks for sharing that.

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