Daydreaming Musically.

in #music7 years ago

Anyone else here sometimes when they listen to music do they visualize things.
I go into my own little world when I put headphones on.

My mind has traveled fantasy worlds, modern cities and the wild wild west.
I love to visualize little tiny movies that usually involve me on a journey into a new world I never seen before.
Everytime I have gone through this I have felt bliss and peace. Also when I do have visualizations from music my life is going to change and I never know where it is going to take me.

It is really rare for me to daydream to music It has to be a special song.
Here is 3 striking daydreams I have had from music that I have not forgotten over the years.
I am going to try to provide you with the must information I can remember from the daydreams. They are long but there was so much happening in the daydream so I will try to record that here.

Opeth April Ethereal

Opeth came to me at a dark music period in my life.
All of my favorite bands at the time were coming out with new music that did not have the same pop that got me hooked to them in the first place. The music was almost turning into a shell of what it once was. It was sounding more and more on the poppy side. You go and see them in concert and they have no respect for their original music they just play hits. I am looking for something heavy the next step of my metal journey. I see this album cover not even knowing what kind of music it is I just grab it and bring it home. I fell in love with the cover. It reminds me of how forests look in the middle of fall around my area. Around that time when I picked up the album the seasons were changing into fall. Oh was I surprised by this album. Very surprised. Now this band is not the most unknown band. I had no clue who they were none the less.

Let me put it into this futuristic thing right here
Man I am so much into the future

I had this same version
hole and all.

People would take markers and draw on my albums.
I have a lot of memories with these things I just found them today after not seeing them for a good decade and some years.


Sorry got off subject a little bit

April Ethereal

I picture myself woken up in a forest and the dusk is similiar to this picture. I wake up from a daze. I do not know how I got there or why. But As the music picks up a person riding a horse comes and grabs me and says something bad is happening and I need to get to safety.
He gives me a lantern as I ride the horse everything is pitch black. We are zooming past trees I feel like I got to duck every once in a while to avoid branches knocking me off the horse even though the person is taller then me that is steering the horse.
We get to a little sign that says next town and old grove. I thought he was going to take me to the town. But just as I thought the horse was going to turn to go to the town he turns and we go to old grove. There is clearings and we pass a pond and he said be quiet do not show any light and I blow out my latern. He tells me he knows of this area really well and the horse we are ridiing taken this path plenty of times. We go and we see a forest and in between two trees looks like a little path. I get off the horse and I light up the lantern again He told me to walk in the forest and I should come across a house. I enter the house it is nice and cozy there is a little bit of food I cook it up. It is cozy but it is really worn down. In the background I hear screaming and I see in the woods what it looks like a town set on flames. I look around for a weapon. I find a knife and a old rusty gun. I find some ammo for it and sit it out. I end getting sleepy and going to sleep. I wake up the next day. A book is on the table that I did not remember seeing last night. The page I forget but I will say that the first thing I remember reading in the book was from now on your life is changed and your life starts a new. I closed the book and I hear a horse galloping towards my area. I prepare my weapon. I cock it and aim it towards the door. The door opens and it is the guy who picked me up. With a thing for a injured arm. He said I am glad I didnt see what happened in the town. And we go to the town and half of it is burned down. A lot of destruction and he explained how they were attacked but the attackers did not know the area I was in even though there was a sign to it. Whatever I just let my mind do its thing. He says we need to prepare for the next attack and then the song ends.

Soon after this happened. I started to hang out with people became very close friends and we would go to all the paranormal places around my area. it almost was everyday!

Stormlord The Oath Of The Legion

I have no clue how I came across this band. I think this is one of the first bands I found on the internet. It was right after I found opeth. I was trying to broaden my horizons with metal.
I look back at it and I do not like it as much as I used to but I can still can listen to it now and again. I listen to it again today and the whole opera thing in the song is not my vibe at all.

I almost feel as if this song continues out of the forest I was just in and you can look out side the forest and you can see that winter is here. That is not true because it is new people. You see a big icy mountain in the background and a shore line that is covered in ice. A little town stands in the middle and it is snowing and the whole field is covered in snow and ice. A person picks me up on horse and the horse speeds up and as we are going to the town we see ships amassing and we see people coming from the mountains. We get to the town and the whole town is panicking freaking out. They are all going into their homes grabbing armor and weapons and preparing the horses for war. Even some of the best are sparring with each other as a test of skill. They grab their guns and set up a army to repel the invaders. We barely do not have anyone really just a small town.. We wait we see the ships docking and we were getting anxious because that is possibly two armies we have to fight at the same time. The little dots from the top of the mountains have gotten bigger and you can see a huge mass of them. And they are almost at the bottom of the mountain. The ship people have brought all of their people at the shore and they start to charge. It is not our town that is the goal. It was the mountain people. The town people celebrated that they were not under attack. But the leader of the town said that we need to spy and see whats going on. So I get into a group of 10 people some kids my age are joining us to show us what the elders do in a time of war. I am sneaking through forests camping at nights. We analyze for any stations for these people that are invading and we change our clothing to mimick those of the army. We go into a camp while everyone is sleeping. We set up a tent just like theirs. When they wake up they were like the new recruits are here another celebration. They were talking about what is going on with the ship people. They have lived in the mountains forever and how the ship people are a empire trying to take over the town. They said that they do not want anything to do with the town and they let them live in peace. We eat and do something and then the mountain people go into battle. I was on the back of a horse I had a bow and arrow not a gun. I see a massive group of people fighting. Getting stabbed getting their heads chopped off I shoot a bow and arrow and it knocks someone off and kills them. The person I was riding with got off the horse and he said you know what to do now and he gave me a sword. And this spying turned into me fighting in the war. I would charge at people and knock em off. I start charging towards someone and it is someone from the town around my age but on the opposite side. I knock him down to the ground and we try to formulate a plan to get away from us fighting. One of us has to pretend like they are hurt. I take the fall. I said pretend kill me and I will find it back to the mountain people. I am sitting here staring up in the sky and then I stopped daydreaming. The song stopped.

Nothing earth shattering happened after this dream it was just a daily continuation of my life. I will never forget this daydream.

Seven Mary Three MY MY

I found this band around when alternative was the big thing of music.
It was just a radio band so everyone heard of them during this time.
I do not really like this band only a couple songs give me a reason to listen to them.
This daydream is way shorter then the others because it is a shorter song.
I do love the vocals for this song though.

I am a young child in this daydream.
I wake up and my family says we are going to see a long lost uncle of yours. They have not seen them in years.
We are driving and I see landmark after landmark. I take a nap and when I wake up we are at this little house with a huge forest behind it. The house looks worn down from the mid 50s-60s style. I think this is the south because people are talking in accents that I am not used to. I am from chicago. We knock on the door. A little slit opens and I see eyeballs behind the slit. The door opens quick and there is a chubby farming looking guy with a cowboy hat on. My mom and grandmother are like we miss you you should come by. He says he is busy down here and maybe in the future he will stop by. He grabs me puts me on his shoulder and hes like this is the little guy I have been hearing about. My mom- generic response saying oh yeah he has gotten so big. He says yeah he is going to be strong. He puts me back down. Well he welcomed us to his house. And then he asked my family if I have done any fishing hunting building protection from the elements. My family said no. He takes my hand and he said I am going to teach you to survive. He shows me how to use a gun we go hunting. We go to the river near his house and we set up a boat. I put my line in the water. I wait for a while. He told me to sit back and relax and that nature provides us with the best life that can be offered. All the modern things in society are really good and cool and what not but do not forget from where you came from. He also invited me to stay out there if things get rough around my house. I am like 6-7 in my dream and he offers a cigarette and a little bit of whiskey. I was like sure. I thought this was the best family experience I ever had why did this uncle go away. Oh this is a daydream remember come on. Also my mind my young mind made the actions of a alcohol and cigarette. I took this advice from this uncle and remembered it forever but I looked at it in a modern sense as well.

Well this whole thing happened right after my first camping trip at boyscouts. So my mind was making up a situation from that I think.

I hope you guys enjoyed this little introspection I have had. Anyone else do this as well? ? ? ? ? ? ??

Seven Mary Three
Stormlord obviously
And the youtube channels that uploaded them.


The good man is the friend of all living things.

- Mahatma Gandhi

Very true funny this thing came from my brain and not real life.

Awesome:))) I'm upvoting your posts today. Cheers! Please return the favor if you get the time.

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