An ode to the alternative of the 1990s

in #music7 years ago

I am taking you back to an era of my life and a lot of others here where things were being turned upside down and everything was being made new. This era made me think the way I do. It is a slight obsession of mine talking about this era. It taught me to be confident with just myself being true to myself. It exposed the flaws rebelled against society as a whole. Emotional intensity flared with diy ethos. Everything that was the normal way of life was made fun of to the death. True freedom it expressed. It was every where whether subliminally or right in your face. The overhaul of society was quick you did not know what was going to happen. Everything would try to out do each other and there was rebellion at all facets of society

Let me bring you to Generation-X

Generation X from my opinion was birthed by the failing of the hippies rebellion in the 1960s. To the quickly changing society that was dawning right when they birthed. To the wanting to explore all taboo subjects in existence. And the criticizing of corruption. And Wanting to have more freedom then what they currently had. Alot of Generation-X ideals exist on the internet today and Alot of them remain unresolved. There seems to be a breaking point that is a crisis era which will resolve all these issues.

Disclaimer: I will be talking mostly about the alternative side of Gen-X not what was popular more like what fought its way to be popular and then souled out degraded itself and got replaced with shittier things.

Disclaimer 2 : I was born in 1988 so I remember the peak the rise of gen-x and their downfall. Older millennials around my age and older have a tendency to be more gen-x then millennial. There is probably actually gen-x people here will be like hey man I actually like stuff from the 1980s.

You are right. There was a great underground during the 1980s. Thrash. Punk. Industrial. Post punk. Noise rock. This genre that is punk and metal that no one understood what it was. Their entertainment was supreme the tv shows and movies were great! Every movie had a following and it was amazing. Also the rebirth of the video game was happening with the nes being released.

The 1980s were dying and the underground had a very promising and bright future. New music were forming new genres were rising from the smallest bars and gymnasiums. Everyone was sick and tired of new wave and hair metal.

Soundgarden My Wave

We were all switching to the next thing. What came up was a mixture of heavy metal, punk, and metal. Underground industrial and hiphop turned face as well during this time. While that Was going on people were experimenting with thrash, punk, electronic music, post punk, noise and many other genres. It was taking the brightest parts of those genres and mixing it. At first the 1980s would not die. They saw this surge of popularity in unique sound and felt threatened. They tried stop the rise of generation-x but nothing could stop it. The music that came out of the remaining 80s bands sounded cheesy and over the top. Gen-x Bands would try to up the anti to get more attention.

At this concert I would consider is one of the birthing zones for generation-x
They were preforming naked destroying all of their equipment pissing into things and waving it around and having sexual acts right on the stage.

Butthole surfers live at the Danceteria. 1986

For some that would be repulsive for others they would find it an interesting and fine tune it and sell out every show like
Red hot chili peppers with the socks on their nads. Marilyn manson has also done this but instead of him being naked he would bring fans and people naked on to the stage. Another band that did this was mushroomhead. And even pop had a showing of this when the spice girls performed naked. A bunch of artists performed naked just like these guys. And I understand there is bands from the 1980s like queen who played naked. But the veracity to vulgarity was king at these times.
Underground artists like gg allin would use controversy to the highest extreme to sell records. He would throw shit at the fans and fight anyone who would want to WHILE he was SINGING. He never got the big huge push he wanted and ended up dying after performing in 1993.

Bands that would destroy shit

Nirvana for one

NiN for two

Marilyn Manson for 3

They would climb really high on things and jump off at not a place where they will break their necks.

Pearl Jam

This still happens today with bands and I am glad they are keeping the tradition going on!

This lead into the entertainment of the time as well. Instead of performing on a live stage you would get your fix of people doing silly and dumb shit by watching this.

Beavis and Butthead.

Or it would go into a more traditional industry and change it forever.

WWF - Wrestling

Controversy was abundant, crude behavior as well. The older generation did not want anything to do with the generation and rejected them. And the young rejected the old and stood on their own. As someone who comes from a isolationist family who rejected me. These musicians were my big brothers showing the world around me. The tunes were heavier and simpler then 1980s thrash. They were experimenting with timings and guitars going with the drumming perfectly. Almost
Bands were no bullshit probing every single problem with the then current society.

Bands that were one style of music completely changed their styles to a more heavier version.

This happened with Pantera which was hair metal and it evolved into this

And Ministry

And White Zombie

Bands would express what it seems to be true emotional upheaval in the soul. Usually mixed with anger.

They took their vocals to the extreme to counteract the music.



Babes in Toyland

Music videos consisted of real life people trying to be more real then the materialistic 1980s. Wanting to get back to the root of everything. Also 1990 music videos are very abstract and symbolic. You would wonder what the point or the purpose of the music videos from the way that they would go back. Also the subjects were hush hush you should not talk about that in that kinda way. Bands went between these subjects and made music videos of each thing.

Bands that have explored Taboo subjects.



Even the beginning of this song kinda sounds the drone of a heavy metal guitar.

Alice In Chains

Insane clown posse-This is edited and it pisses me off

Videos that were abstract and pushed the boundary. Alot of these kinda focused on a past era

Smashing Pumpkins




Videos that were rebellious against the govt. And society as a whole.

System Of A Down

Today is the Day

Rage against the Machine


Before I get to the downhill of this time. I want to show you pretty much my peers of the era.

These guys when I first came across them were very helpful to my life with overcoming obstacles. They had similiar things that they dealt with. On top of that they were kind. First day I met a few dozens of them they were talking about doing something nice. I go with about 6-8 people. They got a pizza beer a blunt and some smokes and took it to the homeless down near a bridge near my house.
The cops see this and arrest them and the bums left running with everything. They did not arrest them for the weed. They arrested them for feeding the homeless.
At this point I knew that something was really wrong with our way of life and we need to change for the better.

Down fall of this era.

Some of the bands pushed the boundaries to far for the time being utterly rejected. At the same time a lot of these bands have been selling out and became everything they stood against. On top of those two things the music was losing what made the era in the first place. Bands would hover niche ideas and cliche them to death. Or softer music would come out of the same genre of music and become more popular then the original bands. The fans would fight between each other the oldschool and the new school. The original bands would have to change to this style leading to selling out. I am sorry post-grunge you killed grunge completely. Now what do we got???????????????????? Nickleback to remember a great era. Moms would wear bands tshirts. Elders as well. It started to get ridiculous

Waco happened. Columbine Happened. Woodstock riots happened.

All blamed on this generations ideals and music.
The musicians say they have no part with this violence and they called people idiots who would think about using violence to get a point across.
Fans feel isolated from the bands that broke them free from the isolation they felt.
The music keeps on selling out.
The bands try to keep on banking on softer versions of themselves partially because they lost their voices in the 1990s.
Newer bands get seen and there is a general shift in society

Trade Towers go down.

It feels like a completely new era now. There is a lot of people who still are a big part of this generation but it is dwindling.
Emo becomes a thing. It completely wipes this era out musically.

And the rest is history.

Also I apologize A lot of the videos are bands you probably already known and seen. But I am trying to show new people how i felt about the music and the love and passion I have for the era.

Credit goes to all these wonderful bands that made underground music and then sold out soon after they lost their voice from screaming.

If you want to see a video museum where I probably added 300-400 music videos from the era check this website out.

I only wish that there will be a future generation that this would happen again without the violence. But I do not think this can happen again. We have already addressed the problems and the taboo ideas. Maybe it will happen in a new way with technology. It was a sign of the changing of society. Something that needed to happen to reconnect people to their urges and desires and souls. So step back and remember with me for a little bit @sinned.


early 90s were amazing

Back in da days ,cheers 😎

Drink a cold one for me will ya!

Yes ,for sure cold one ✔😂

Thank you for your hard work!

No thank you for coming here and giving me the time of day haha


great article on American 90s music and entertainment. The Smashing Pumpkins, Ministry, so meny good mentions. good steemit content.

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