Calling All Musicians, Filmmakers, and Content Creators....Its Time We Gather and Embrace Decentralization

in #music7 years ago (edited)



Fighting the System to Save the Arts

Today its hitting me how huge of a position I am to push and embrace decentralization to give my fellow artists a fighting chance to survive in this weak moment in history where the systems above are literally pulling the plug on grants and education for the art industry. Whether you're a musician, producer, filmmaker, or even a photographer looking for a more professional edge to your dreams its very obvious the keys to that education and opportunity is seriously being cut back by governments across the globe.

While we want to create and share with our brothers and sisters some beauty in this world, its clear right now the funding will be heading more towards the military industrial complex and other budgets they feel is a tad more important. I get it, there is some really crazy stuff going on but is this the end for art in its purist form, thankfully no...there are other options out there and I have landed a day job in one of many amazing decentralized options for us to gather and use.

A Need to Gather and Do This For Ourselves

Today I had a very interesting conversation with our developer over at Visio. One that really hit home for me how die hard this team is about building this platform to give content creators a home where they can thrive. Its a rare blend to see a techy team with coding nerd power to believe in the arts so much but its clear to me today that is the core drive for this project to get the job done so we can get artists off the streets and into a place they can finally earn for their talents.

Right now their concern is less about anyone buying up their coin but more about getting their platform right and available as soon as they can for content creators. The centralized systems are ripping off art in a very immoral manner and I firmly believe the drive in this team right now has it in mind to provide a system where we no longer need middlemen taking our profits from our pockets as artists.


I think its time we as artists gather, I am a musician as well and that is one of the huge factors as to why I am backing Visio but this has options for many other arts to enhance their abilities to provide their creations to the world. Today I was tasked to build a temporary home for content creators, maybe in a Facebook group or maybe elsewhere but the end game for this gathering is for us as creators of art to prepare for this coming platform that Visio is providing and get early adopters to free themselves from centralized systems and embrace this decentralized freedom about to be laid into our laps.

So Are You With Me?

Besides doing my job in Visio I would like to create a group of artists, something with users that plan to use this system we have, and educate each other in this group how we can all better benefit from this. They are in pre-alpha test phase and its looking like its coming quick to hit the public so it maybe wise we gather and get ready as a united crowd so we can take advantage of this amazing option before us. The concept is very complex but we can have our work hosted in a distributed blockchain and make money from our work in any way we want, ads or use the bounty system they will have in place so users can pay or donate for our work. Musicians can view this as a better BANDCAMP like alternative and filmmakers as well can bank off of the system once this is live. The biggest part, its going to be in our control, no one elses...Visio is just making the tool, how we use it will be completely up to us.

So my question to the Steemit art crowd, can we pull together something and build it for off site hub for us to gather and prepare as artists for this. A home to get updates about when this will hit the streets and we share our work until the system is completed? I really believe in this project and I would love to build a mini community under this for content creators alone.. So is anyone up for this? Let me know in the comments below and I will talk to our team in Visio and see what we can build off of the ideas from everyone.


Follow me @sflaherty

For more info about Visio you can check out our posts on our official Steemit @visio


Well i am not a music artist, but i think the idea of this project is very nice!

Its for everyone, filmmakers, youtubers, ect and also those of us that love just being in the audience. Its really looking good for Visio so I think it might be time to gather up the content creators and really get them ready for this because I have a funny feeling once they catch on how powerful this will be...its going to be really important to the early adopters of it later on. Really glad you have given your support to the project. Means a lot to me and the team working very hard within it

For sure I will keep an eye on this. And try to support it, as much as I can do!

Freedom like and check it out

Just me and my kitty. Go ahead press play give it a listen. Free download

Great one, always love hearing people's original work


Interesting idea, I'd like to know more a bit about the reward system and the target group. Will be there non-artists as users? I will come back to you tomorrow, it's late in the UK.

Reward system will come in many ways. They have a bounty system in place where users can pay Visio to the artist for their work and also we are putting in ad overlay systems that will be up to the users completely to decide what they want to use or not use. We already have a ton of non content creator types involved as audiences....they are right now helping with testing and viewing our demo platform so it will be a blend of content creators and audience like users. Its a more complex system than just a simple youtube or bandcamp like place, in the end artist will be able to build on the platform any way they see fit and due to it being built with the IPFS protocol the hosting will be done on the blockchain and shared via our massternode setups coming after pre-alpha is completed. Masternodes will serve as data centers to get rid of the need for servers and content creators will have full reign over their shares. It is with plans for a lot more but the dev team is keeping that under wraps as they test and even I don't know how much more is going to be included lol...but I am hearing this will be unlike anything anyone has seen before. Fully decentralized and fully putting artist in the control of their own work.

I think you should check out It is social plarform backed up by IBM that gives power back to content creators.

Not really a huge fan of it....already played around with it and believe I will stick with what Visio is doing. is good on a kind of social media style platform but Visio is something a little more in a kind of broader scope of being its own thing from what I seen of it so far. Thanks though for the point out to it, have had a few people tell me about it lately.

This project looks very promising, and I really hope it becomes the next big thing!
I might have a couple of ideas for getting more people on board the viso platform, and I would also like to help out with putting in some spare time if you ever need it. Just send me a PM on FB if you are interested :)

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