Why Music is So Important in Life

in #music8 years ago

People who say magic doesn’t exist are probably unaware of the world of music. Music is a truly magical and powerful experience that is no less than travelling to an alternate reality where you can fly at will and the world is a beautiful place.

Nobody knows where music actually originated from. Maybe it was some cave men that were in a mood to dougie or more realistically, it was a gradual evolution over thousands of years. Regardless, we reap the benefits of the greatest gift ever given to mankind.

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Listening to music is such a natural experience. It’s like an extension to our own selves. Over the years, the ways we experience music has changed but what hasn’t changed is how it makes us feel, which is……magical!

There in no doubt that we humans consider music as very important in our lives, but many may not even be aware of what those importances really are. So, let’s take a look at some of these:

1. Music Enhances Creativity

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Listening to music can fuel one’s creativity. Many brilliant inventors and thinkers throughout history have had a strong affinity to music. They have claimed from time to time that it helped them explore their imagination and come up with creative solutions to the problems  they were tackling.

Apart from this, learning to play an instrument has been proven in lots of studies to enhance your ability to learn something. Music players have been found to be faster learners. 

In some studies, playing musical instruments have been directly linked to improved maths skills. So, if you want to improve your maths, you better start listening to some tunes!

2. Music Brings People Together

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Music is something that does not have a boundary. People from all religions, castes, creed, color, nationalities can enjoy music regardless of who produced that music. It is a universal language.

Music can unite millions of people who are otherwise divided due to various reasons. A concert of a popular band brings in tens of thousands of people together who enjoy the music in unison, all having a good time together.

Throughout history, several tribes and civilisation have been known to use music to celebrate different achievements of festivals for the continuation of unity among them.

This unifying ability of music is what the world really needs today where our differences keep on increasing day by day, mostly because of reasons totally out of our hands.

3. Music Helps In Education

Music can be a very important tool in education especially for kids. That is why you see a lot of musical rhymes and poems aimed towards teaching kids about several things.

Also, complex stories told through musicals are easier to understand as well as retain in memory which can be really helpful for all the students. Teachers can use this to impart important and difficult to learn concepts more easily.

It has been shown that things learnt in a musical way are sort of embedded into the minds of the learners who can recall all those things just by remembering the songs associated with the knowledge.

4. Music Can Change Your Mood

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There are several times we don’t feel good or feel demotivated to do anything whether it is work or even work out. In such cases, if you listen to some fast paced music, your mind and body start feeling different immediately.

It is as if someone switches you on, and you start functioning again! Music has the power to make you feel all sorts of emotions, it can make you feel like time itself is frozen and can make your body parts move according to the rhythm.

Isn’t it magical that a few organised tones can make you feel a certain way? It seems as if music connects directly with the soul where the former guides the later according to its wishes!

5. Music Can Be Used To Express Yourself

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Human thoughts are some of the most complex things there are. Combine that with our emotions and we can see that communicating exactly what we feel and think is really complicated.

That is the reason we feel a lot of times that we couldn’t quite express ourselves exactly as we wanted to or we couldn’t communicate everythign that we wanted to and in the way we wanted to

Music often serves as one of the ways people use to express their deepest selves, ideas and feelings in front of everybody else. And it is perhaps one that connects the most and with ease with everyone.

Follow me for more awesome content @sauravrungta :)


I've often thought it would be interesting to post my playlist next to my paintings. My music interests are so diverse, I wonder if it shows in my individual works?

you should definitely do that! we get a lot of sense of what a person is like based on his/her music preferences!

Music helps to express what words fail to touch. We think in music!

I was search for something about music and the soul for some story to submit my entry for the photo challenge but I didn't submit that photo after all. But, here's the piece I found.

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