Ryan Kwan - This is the countdown

in #music6 years ago

This is a song I wrote. This was written on the streets of portland and notably looking at a the countdown from the flashing traffic walk sign. Written in 2016 I am Ryan Kwan, I'm a musician check out my album that is conn18836814_10209250898296749_890067694057417513_o.jpgected to this link.https://ryansamuelkwan.bandcamp.com/track/this-is-the-countdown


Good job my friend

Well, you’ve got some skills! Beer of luck for future 🌠
Why don’t you upload it in Soundcloud or YouTube?

I guess I should, have you had luck reaching community on soundcloud or youtube? I've always felt a little disconnected with connecting with people on there but I have works there

Here is my current stream among many past streams:

You got talent bro. I am a musician true bro. Music has been a large part of my life and getaway from some of my problems. I'll be checking your works and following you. Hope to some day callabo with you. Below is one of my songs.

Thanks man, I'm checking out your music right now.. it's chill. where do you reside in the world?

Thanks bro.I'm from Nairobi Kenya.

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