L'isola / by Emma (Italian with English translation at bottom of the page)

in #music4 years ago


Un respiro complice,
Prendi fiato e scegli me
In fila indiana, scegli me

Un destino, un vortice
Incontro luce, è più semplice
Prendi fiato e scegli me

E tutti guardavano la nave partire
All’orizzonte scomparire
E tutti restavano senza parole

Dicono che tornerà a prenderci
qualcuno tornerà
Dicono chissà

E tutti guardavano il sole sparire
All’orizzonte dentro il mare
E tu mi guardavi ed io ti dicevo:
"Amore, non aver paura, troveremo un modo per andare…
… Via di qua
… Via di qua, dall’isola."

Via di qua
via di qua, dall’isola (dall’isola)
Via di qua
Via di qua, dall’isola (dall’isola)

E tutti guardavano
La nave partire
All’orizzonte scomparire

The island

Breathless anticipation
Just breathe - choose me
From a single-file line line, choose me

A destiny, a vortex
In plain sight - it's so simple to
Just breathe - choose me

And everyone watched the ship leave
And disappear over the horizon
And everyone was speechless

They say he will come back to pick us up
Someone will come back
They say but who knows

And everyone watched the sun disappear
On the horizon into the sea
And you looked at me and I said:
"Love, do not be afraid, we will find a way to go...
...Away from here
...Away from here, from the island"

Away from here
Away from here, from the island (from the island)
Away from here
Away from here, from the island (from the island)

And everyone watched
The ship leave
And disappear over the horizon

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