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RE: The Long Play

in #music6 years ago

Oh, I was Sonic Youth for sure!! Goo was an amazing albums. And Dirty Boots one of my fave all time songs.

Here's me with a walkman for Christmas - hmmm - 85 maybe?

Those tapes have to be listened to. There must be an extraordinary story in there. It does sound so claustrophobic and terrifying, to be honest, in a gothic kind of way!! And very creepy.

You'll be surprised at what happens when you start making a time to listen to music. One of my favourite things to do on a Saturday morning is put on some vinyl. Just one or two, just to get me singing. If I catch myself not listening to music I definitely rectify it. There's so much beauty in it!

What a great post. I'm sorry to hear of your illness - I hope it's something you can overcome? I know Dad's been listening to lot of music in hospital - he's always been a big music fan and has to be super sick NOT to listen. He finds it a distraction, and gets lost in it. The other day, I popped over to visit, squeamish about his bald head from the chemo, but we made him put on a beanie and we sat there and listened to Taj Mahal.

Thanks for writing - I love everything you write and I love your take on the 'forgivemyself' topic and I've found out a bit more about you!

I'm going to come back and upvote you when my VP creeps up again as I'm been a bit vote mad. xxx


Thank you! When you come back and upvote, ploise show me of the pic of you with your Walkman from 1985 :)

Saturday morning is a good time to factor in listening to music. I might start up Music Monday where I factor it in. I'm so out of the loop. But the health condition I've had for 18 years (myalgic encephalomyelitis) means that unfortunately there's plenty of times when music becomes not a pleasurable experience but a stressor. How shitty is that? :( But, yes, when it's not sensory overload time then I am in fierce agreement with your Dad. Music is healing on multiple levels! Best of well-wishes to your da.

Thanks! 459_1526015828426.jpeg

ME sounds tough. And frustrating.

Sorry to hear! I never quite know what to say but... love !

You don't need to say anything but thank you for your commiserations.

I love this photo of you! :)

And I just listened to some music before after reading your comment so thanks for the motivation.

Aw, that's awesome!!! Ha ha I look abit happy, it was a big deal getting that for Chrissy and Dad made me and my sister do a little dance so we could pose with our new presents.

@mountainjewel - here is a response to #selfforgiveness plus you get to see a dorky picture of me with a walkman. Like... a cassette tape walkman.

yessss love this photo! full of life, young blood!! xxx great post @sue-stevenson!! :)

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