My Darling Snake Oil Psychic ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ

in #music โ€ข 6 years ago (edited)

Let me introduce to you my baby boy. I'm going to have a proud mother moment and then you can get on with your day, okay?

I know I have told a few of you about my son's band, so I thought I would tell you a little bit about them. Of course, the most important member is our lad Jarrah. He was a brilliant guitarist growing up. I still miss him sitting at the kitchen bench as I chatted away and he strummed tunes at me. And @rossfletcher ... you should have seen him plug in his amp and do Midnight Rambler.


He decided everyone was a guitarist, so he taught himself to play the drums. This was a little unexpected for me, but then I found out Dad used to play drums when he was young, so there was a little genetic poetry in that (Dad bought Jarrah his first guitar and he is an avid guitar collector and plays a little himself too - talk about how nurture creates people!)

If you want to start listening whilst you are reading, you can listen to their first single here on Spotify ... or here on Bandcamp. It's called Rose Coloured Glasses. Hope you like it!


Anyway, Jarrah got a near perfect score to get into uni but thought fuck that, who wants to be a lawyer or a doctor, I am going to follow my passion and be a sound engineer. He couldn't be happier and nor could I! I think all everyone wants is their kid to be happy.

So him and his mates formed their band and called them the Snake Oil Psychics, mainly because they are into a lot of psychedelic ... stuff.. I mean music really.


They threw a few badly organised last minute gigs together, and he even performed at the pub I had frequented in my grungey youth, seeing crew like Black Flag, Dinosaur One, The Hard On's and The Cosmic Psychos.





They decided to record an album, laying down the drum track in our loungeroom under the condition that they said it was recorded at Ranchos Saundos (our last name is Saunders) which they dutifully did.



They then decided to change their name to Pastels, which I thought was dumbass as there is already a band called that. Anyway what would a Mum know.


So they finally put out a CD which was pretty cool, even though I don't have a CD player and I will probably listen to it on Spotify!


You can listen to it free here on bandcamp

Some guy already reviewed it, but we aren't sure what it says, so if anyone can translate that would be really cool.

๐Ÿ Pastels - 'The Snake King' EP (2018)๐Ÿ
Este auspicioso registo brinda e prazenteia o ouvinte com um fascinante, afรกvel, agradรกvel e relaxante Psych Rock de ares veraneios em deliciosa harmonia com um elegante, meloso, majestoso e hipnotizante Blues de essรชncia intoxicante. A sua sonoridade ensolarada, deslumbrante e narcotizada โ€“ aureolada e condimentada por uma intensa ambiรชncia idรญlica โ€“ causa em nรณs toda uma estarrecedora, imperturbรกvel e duradoura sensaรงรฃo de bem-estar que nos embacia, envolve e acaricia do primeiro ao derradeiro tema. Sรฃo cerca de 26 minutos conduzidos a ternura, volรบpia e requinte que nos ofuscam com a sua etรฉrea e inebriante radiรขncia.
El Coyote

Have a listen and see what you think. It's Friday night in some places, and Saturday morning here - both are fabulous moments to put on some tunes!!



I'd love to hear from you about music - it's always on in this household and probably why my son ended up such a music freak. Nurture or nature? Who knows. He does blame me for his vinyl collection making him broke though. However, this makes it easy for birthday presents - vinyl, vinyl, vinyl!


Please don't be shy - upvote, comment, re-steem - and have a bloody good weekend xxx

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That looks like Portuguese if you want to stick it into google translate.

I did, but it turns out pretty crazy - you know what Google translate can be like! Actually, it's pretty cool:

"This auspicious record delights and pleases the listener with a fascinating, affable, enjoyable and relaxing Psych Rock of ares veraneios in delightful harmony with an elegant, mellow, majestic and mesmerizing Blues of intoxicating essence. Its sunny, dazzling and narcotized sound - haloed and seasoned by an intense idyllic ambience - causes in us a whole astonishing, imperturbable and enduring sense of well-being that engages us, enfolds and caresses from the first to the last theme. It is about 26 minutes driven by the tenderness, voluptuousness and refinement that dazzle us with its ethereal and heady radiance"

I couldn't have said it better myself!

Lol, voluptuousness.

Doesn't it make you want to write music reviews?
or rather:

'This halycon musing on aural intoxications, plumply engaging for it's stimulating, delicious and narcotic employment of adjectival phrases that exotically tease the reader into perusing the intense, profound and tenderly voluptuous dissertation, directly encourages us to scribe music reviews'

That is definitely something. I'm not sure google translate is totally accurate here. Alternatively, this person has a real way with words!

Oh! Silly me! @mrprofessor ... you are the ONE person I know who could translate it!! Is the review as full of fantastic superlatives as Mr Google suggests? Xx

Opa, am I requested? I've only seen your message today. Translating it in 2, 3 one be right back

Opa, am I requested? I've only seen your message today.

Oh it's okay babe... someone did it already!!! Xxxx

Oh my dictionaty god,

that portuguese is so well written that I've had some difficulty understanding it, even in portuguese hahahahaha. The guy who wrote that review for sure knows some fancy fancy words of the portuguese language.

What @cecicastor said is correct.

So he definately is being Mr Fancy Schmancy and it's not how you guys speak all the time?? **illusions shattered...

Mr Fancy Schmancy? hhahahahahahaha

Well... I'd say it's the way we should speak, it's almost poetical, rich in its adjectives to describe the band, some of those adjectives I didn't even know about. (I think the problem is me hihihihihih)

To be honest, it's not that he wrote in a fancy way, it's that the spoken portuguese is getting poorer in 'quality', you know? I think it's related to the fact that the brazilians in general are not that concerned about reading and expanding their vocabulary these days (shame on me)

Ha ha, you are just all lying around on beaches in bikinis drinking Caipirinha, aren't you? (not too different to Aussies, then)

HAHHA more or less like that!
But since my state is the southernmost in Brazil the temperatures are starting to drop, so it's more like wine and fire now.

Ah same here xxx

This review is written in Portuguese.

Este auspicioso registo brinda e prazenteia o ouvinte com um fascinante, afรกvel, agradรกvel e relaxante Psych Rock de ares veraneios em deliciosa harmonia com um elegante, meloso, majestoso e hipnotizante Blues de essรชncia intoxicante. A sua sonoridade ensolarada, deslumbrante e narcotizada โ€“ aureolada e condimentada por uma intensa ambiรชncia idรญlica โ€“ causa em nรณs toda uma estarrecedora, imperturbรกvel e duradoura sensaรงรฃo de bem-estar que nos embacia, envolve e acaricia do primeiro ao derradeiro tema. Sรฃo cerca de 26 minutos conduzidos a ternura, volรบpia e requinte que nos ofuscam com a sua etรฉrea e inebriante radiรขncia.
El Coyote

English Translation: (Not exact but close)

This auspicious record delights and pleases the listener with a fascinating, affable, enjoyable and relaxing Psych Rock of areas verandas in delightful harmony with an elegant, mellow, majestic and mesmerizing Blues of intoxicating essence. Its sunny, dazzling and narcotized sound - haloed and seasoned by an intense idyllic ambience - causes in us a whole astonishing, imperturbable and enduring sense of well-being that engages us, enfolds and caresses from the first to the last theme. It is about 26 minutes driven by the tenderness, voluptuousness and refinement that dazzle us with its ethereal and heady radiance.

Thanks so much!!!! How nice of you to take the time to do this.. really appreciated!!!! Xxx I will send it on to him... ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

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