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RE: Some of my favorite songs... fasten your seat belt.

in #music7 years ago

Thanks for the recommendations - something to listen to tonight.. Not my usual style - so nice to hear from someone who knows it well.. I might have to play my electric guitar with lots of distortion later ;)


If you play guitar this stuff should get your blood flowing. Just imagine yourself playing the various parts. I play guitar as well and that is a large part of how I appreciate music.

You might enjoy this one some more... though I don't know what your usual STYLE is. :)

Quite different from their other song above. I've seen them do this one live and it was pretty awesome live. Sent chills up and down my spine at the transition point from mellow to heavier as it was so well executed. Not growls in these vocals though this is the same guy that was growling above. :)

Hes got a fab voice.. These guys are really talented.. I suppose this would be categorized as fusion? I liked it - I enjoy the contrast between the "clean" and "distorted" parts - definitely in the "epic" category..

Actually this is mostly categorized as Progressive Metal. :)

It's like Progressive Rock but it's foundation is more on the Metal side of the fence. :)

Dream Theater is considered one of the kings of Progressive Metal.

Opeth started out as Death Metal and were so experimental in mixing all kinds of sounds that eventually they pretty much were considered Progressive Metal now too.

Nevermore is usually considered either Thrash Metal or Progressive Metal. I'd say they are experimental and technical enough that they drift to the Progressive side.

Ya - I enjoy some metal - I cant get past the guitar in some of the bands.. reminds of hanging out at a guitar store ;) I still however totally get the vibe of even the heaviest thrash metal - its as expressive as any other art form (and pretty technical).

Speaking of guitar store.... Jeff Loomis of Nevermore doing Obsidian Conspiracy IN A guitar store without the vocals. Definitely pretty technical. I don't care about the style of guitar I think it is fun to watch anyone that is exceptional at the instrument. I am not a bad player myself when I practice doing everything from Classical, Jazz, Folk, Flamenco, and Metal... though I haven't played in some time... my family wishes I would.

You need attitude to play metal - that guy has it for sure.. I'm pretty confident I could play that - but writing it would be a whole other story :) You should pick up the guitar again man! I've taken breaks because of family/life but I always come back to it. I like it because its something you never master- I started learning piano a few years ago when I needed a change. Music really brings joy to your house - makes it feel like home!

Yeah I started playing in either 1987 or 1988. I even went for a dual music/physics major when I went to college first. They wouldn't let me use classical guitar as my instrument of choice so I took Cello for awhile. Though I never got to be really good at the Cello as when I went home I was always playing guitar. :)

I didn't mention BLUES because while I know technically how to play it, the chords, the scales, modes, etc. when I play it it sounds more like Rock. EVERY style of music has a unique feel that if you can't find that feel then it doesn't matter how technically skilled you are at it. Blues is in that vein for me. I can hit all the notes, but I don't sound like blues. It also has nothing to do with whether I have the blues/emotionally or not. :)

I played good blues once and it was accidental and I wasn't depressed or anything, though unfortunately I don't remember how I got to that point.

This is pretty common though. I've never really seen a guitarist that I think is good at ALL styles. I've seen people that are good at most of them, but there always seem to be some that they can hit the notes but something FEELING wise is missing. I sometimes call it finding the groove.

I am good at flamenco, classical, rock, and metal grooves. I could throw punk in there, but I don't usually bother because I could do that stuff within a week of picking up the guitar so for me it doesn't count. :)

Oh and yes I played in the college Jazz band for awhile. I was relegated to just chords and back ground rhythm mostly so I was pretty bored. The prof in charge of that band was way into brass and he didn't really let the guitar shine that much. I learned and used a lot of weird chords... that's about it. :)

But that particular SOUND in that song... Fusion would work too. That's the hallmark of a good Progressive band. They can sound like a lot of different styles depending upon which particular song you listen to.

Opeth's newer albums are actually pretty bizarre. They actually sound like they should have been performing in the early 1970s but they have better equipment and mixing. They have gone very almost psychedelic rock type feel in some of their newer albums. Like I said Progressive bands tend to be all over the place. Whether called Progressive Rock or Metal tends to depend upon where they tend to build the foundation of their songs... they started as Death Metal, transitioned to Progressive Metal, and some of their newer stuff sounds like 70s Progressive Rock. :P

I was thinking that.. even the production seemed like something Led Zep or Queen - maybe even Pink Floyd would have done.. Its not a commercial tune - but these guys could definitely sell themselves out for an "Enter Sandman" type hit..

Yeah and that wasn't even one of their pieces I'd consider the 70's style stuff.

I am no expert on their newer stuff it hasn't really grabbed me as much in the last two albums.

That's one of the new songs... even the visuals in the video would have fit in the 70s... and yeah it sounds more fusion. :P

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