Collaborative artist wanted!

in #music6 years ago


Hey fellow steemians!!
I have been inactive after my last post.
This is duebto a few things!
The post i did about a part of my life had a big impact on myself. I felt like i made a mistake and i kinda gotninto a heavy depression. I have been locking myself into my room/studio and have isolating myself.
I have been working on a lot of music and kept myself away from everything and everyone for a while. I needed to find myself back again and restore my mindset.
After a while it whent better but somehow i couldnt get back on Steemit for some reason ( dont know if more had this issue though i heard Bonnie @soundlegion had the same for a while).

Now i am getting back to it all and my aim is on all of you steemit musicians! I know about the open mic contest and i have heard a lot of talent.
Now i have a bunch of music and i am looking for some vocalists that would like to collaborate.
I have a bunch of samples and i will share them with those intrested. My aim is to create a Steemit collaborative album.
We will promote it through Soundlegion and get it out there when finished.
Because this is an open platform i will sugest to leave a comment and contact me on discord.
There incan send music and we can share contact info to get working on some amazing music.

Hit me up if you're intrested!



Vice president, Co owner, Head producer
Of Sound Legion Records


I want to start writing songs and when I am ready I would like to have you work on something with me. :)

Awesome to hear! :) are you on discord aswell?

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